Doctors Will Use Hypnosis Techniques in Cancer Treatment

Doctors are going to use hypnosis techniques in cancer treatment to improve the quality of cancer therapies.
By: Orik Ibad
Nov. 1, 2009 - PRLog -- Orik Ibad, who has been working as a professional hypnotist for 7 years, announces that hypnotists are going to use hypnosis techniques for cancer treatment in recent future.

Cancer is one of common diseases in the world. There are different treatments for cancer from chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, emotional healing, ozone treatment to fruit juice treatment, but none of the medical treatments cure cancer completely.

Orik Ibad says "One of four cancer patients dies from it. Only few people can survive cancer and achieve complete remission. So, why can't modern medicine cure cancer? The problem is with the approach to the disease. Scientists approach to cancer as a physical disease only. They forget the mind-body connection. There must be systematic research about the role of the mind and cancer treatment. Latest experiments in brain science prove that mind cells are tightly related with the body. So, if we affect the mind cells in a right way, desired results could be achieved in all diseases, including cancer treatment."

There are already positive results with treating side effects of chemo and radiation treatment through hypnosis. Hypnosis is widely used for pain control in cancer treatment. There are also effective results to use hypnosis in the treatment of cancer phobia.

"The best way to affect our mind is hypnosis. Most people think that hypnosis can not make physical changes in the body. It is not true." says Orik Ibad. "I have seen several clients who could achieve complete cancer remission with the help of will power, positive thinking and hypnosis. Sure, I can not claim that all cancer problems can be cured only today. It would not be professional and responsible approach. But I'm sure that hypnosis must be entered into the cancer treatment, so we will start wide research in this area."

Orik Ibad shares his ideas on his comprehensive hypnosis site at

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Hypnosis Black Secrets is a hypnosis company providing hypnosis and self improvement services to the clients.

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