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Follow on Google News | Security Mentor Showcases Web-based Training at RSA 2009 (Booth #443): "Brief, Frequent & Focused"At RSA 2009, Security Mentor Inc will show security awareness training that works: a curriculum of short, interactive, rich media lessons delivered through Security Mentor's website. Employees receive a weekly email linking them to the latest lesson.
By: Security Mentor Inc. The answer, of course, is security awareness training. But too often, training doesn't stick. Now Security Mentor®, Inc, has the answer that works: A curriculum of brief, interactive, rich media lessons delivered through Security Mentor's website. Employees receive a weekly email linking them to the latest lesson. Because lessons are brief and frequent, Security Mentor security awareness training keeps security at the forefront of employees' minds, supporting the development of a culture of security. And because each lesson is focused on one specific subject, employees can master the material in less than 7 minutes. The interactive multimedia content is engaging for all users, supporting different learning styles. A learning management system tracks and measures each person's progress through the lesson. That allows managers to know that employees have received the information - and learned it. CORE Training Package Debuts New at RSA 2009 is Security Mentor CORE, a subset of the full Security Mentor COMPREHENSIVE curriculum. "Security Mentor CORE is a way for any company to start reducing its greatest security risks right away," said Security Mentor co-founder Craig Kunitani, a defense industry IT security veteran. "The topics covered address the needs identified as most critical by security pros across industries." Security Mentor CORE is designed to train employees in the most critical security awareness skills quickly, economically and effectively. Like the full Security Mentor curriculum of 48 lessons (Security Mentor COMPREHENSIVE) Topics covered by Security Mentor CORE include: Email Security, Web Security, Mobile Security, Passwords, Social Networking, Office Security, Reporting Incidents and more. Key Attributes of Security Mentor Training: - Brief. Lessons last about 7 minutes, fitting in with busy work schedules and matching how people best learn. - Frequent. Security Mentor COMPREHENSIVE is delivered weekly and Security Mentor CORE every other week. - Focused. Only one topic is presented per lesson. Employees can more easily remember and apply security topics. - Engaging. Rich, interactive media captures employees' attention and supports different learning styles. - In Depth. Each topic is covered in greater detail, enabling employees to better understand complex issues. - Flexible. Web-based training can be accessed when and where it's most convenient for employees and employers, increasing participation and reducing costs. The impact of employee turnover on security is reduced: new hires can begin the training at any time. - Relevant. Content developed by Certified Information Systems Security Professionals focuses on security relevant to the workplace. - Memorable. Instructionally designed lessons increase retention through the use of real-world situations, problem-solving, and serious games. - Measurable. The learning management system keeps track of each employee's progress through the training and generates reports for management. - Complementary. Security Mentor training reinforces internal and commercial security awareness training programs by reinforcing key security messages. Security Mentor, Inc. at RSA® Conference 2009 Security Mentor, Inc. will demonstrate lessons from Security Mentor Security CORE and COMPREHENSIVE at booth 443 on the RSA® Conference Expo floor. The RSA Expo runs from April 20 - 23 at San Francisco's Moscone Center. About Security Mentor, Inc. Security Mentor, Inc. is a provider of online security awareness training. Security Mentor's innovative approach of brief, frequent, focused training reduces security risks by helping employees become Aware, Alert, Secure®. Aware - know the security risks. Alert - think before acting. Secure - make the right choice. Security Mentor, Inc. was founded in 2007 by veteran security professionals and Department of Defense contractors. For more information please visit Security Mentor, Inc. Corporate & Training Marie White, CISA, CISSP, PhD. President, CEO Operations & Technology Craig Kunitani, CISSP COO, CTO Agency Contact: Boots Road Group LLC End