No Diet Required With These Tips For Healthy Living

Spring has sprung - and if our recent winter of discontent has left a few extra pounds on your thighs, these tips for living healthy can help you get back in shape before summer rolls around.
By: Healthy Living Solutions, Inc.
March 23, 2009 - PRLog -- Need to drop a few pounds before you have to face those skimpy summer clothes?  Instead of jumping into the latest high carb, low carb, high protein or grapefruit diet, Wellness Consultant Erik Johnson at Healthy Living Solutions suggests five ways to live healthier and feel way, way better.

1.  Leave something on your plate.
For just one meal each day, eat only part of your usual serving.  Wrap up half that sandwich for tomorrow.  At a restaurant, cut costs and calories by sharing a meal with a friend.  Ask for a box when the food arrives and put half of the main course in the box right away.  Or just leave part of the food on the plate - after all, would you rather have it go to waste or to your waistline?

2.  Cut out the high fructose corn syrup.  
This super sweetener shows up everywhere these days - ketchup, bread, and fruit drinks as well as the more expected cookies, sweet rolls, and soft drinks.  Yes, it adds a nice sweet taste but do we really need sweet ketchup?  Read the labels.  If it contains high fructose corn syrup, just leave it on the shelf.

3.  Eat breakfast.
Studies are showing that both adults and young people who eat breakfast are leaner than breakfast skippers.  High fiber cereal with lowfat milk and fruit are good and easy ways to start the day.  

4.  Go raw.
Make sure at least half your plate of food is made up of raw foods.  From apples and broccoli to  watermelon and zucchini, uncooked fruits and vegetables will add flavor, fiber and fun to your meals.  And these wonderful low fat foods can make you feel more satisfied with less food.  

5.  Step out.
Is it worth 30 minutes a day to look better?  A 30 minute walk will help to wake up your metabolism and build muscle  - both key in fighting the flab. Can't find an extra 30 minutes?  Try walking briskly for 10 minutes just before or after each meal.

"The key to any weight loss program is sticking to it, so pick one or two of these tips and practice them faithfully for three or four weeks. By that time you will have formed some healthy new habits that can help you look good in that new swim suit," Johnson explains.

For other wellness tips, see

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Source:Healthy Living Solutions, Inc.
Tags:Supplements, Health, Healthy Living, Natural, Wellness, Diet, Health Tips, Weight Loss
Industry:Fitness, Health
Location:Tucson - Arizona - United States
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