PureOFlow delivers Aquatech dealers and distributors the solution to water softener ban

Product chosen by Discovery Channel’s Planet Green series as an economical and environmentally-friendly water purification system
By: PureOFlow
March 11, 2009 - PRLog -- Chicago – Today, PureOFlow, a company specializing in commercial and residential water purification systems, is pleased to announce the debut of PureOFlow technology and systems at the WQA Aquatech show. Premiering to an audience of trade professionals in the water systems industry, PureOFlow offers an economical solution that is sure to resonate as a ‘greener’ method that will outlast legislation banning the current generation of water softener systems.

“Top considerations on consumers’ minds right now are the economy and being green,” said Tom Cartwright, CEO of PureOFlow. “Our technological advanced point-of-entry water purification system provides the best solutions to both of these concerns, offering industry professionals business opportunities not seen in 50 years.”

The solution to the softener ban
Opposition to water softeners based on concern about brine discharge is not new, but increased resistance has brought this issue to the forefront. At the PureOFlow booth at Aquatech, attendees will learn about one of the most innovative systems that not only address potential water softener bans, but also were chosen by the Discovery Channel’s Planet Green series as the most environmentally-friendly solution on the market.

“Without question, the global economy is having, and will continue to have a detrimental impact on the residential water treatment industry, and those water companies selling the same products through the same programs will likely not survive,” said Mike Paice, president of PureOFlow. “Whole-house reverse osmosis from PureOFlow provides the solution to succeed in this current political and economic environment because it is the most cost-effective, eco-friendly system out there.”

A new way to meet higher market expectations
PureOFlow is an affordable, high-capacity reverse osmosis water purification system that delivers ‘bottle-quality’ water to every location in a home or building. The new technology delivers both purification and soft, desalinized water in one unit, with the ability to replace most point-of-use filters and purifiers with a single system.

•   The PureOFlow system reduces up to 98% of substances such as arsenic, lead and radium. The system offers a high-capacity technology delivering as much as 5,600 gals./day at delivery rates up to 22 GPM.

•   For business, PureOFlow reduces labor costs by lowering or eliminating de-scaling services for volume water appliances such as tank-less water heaters, ice machines, steamers and beverage dispensers. Eliminating mineral scale build-up also increases water heater efficiency by up to three times.    

•   A green solution with a 1:1 purified-to-wastewater ratio that softens water without the use of salts; wastewater can be rerouted within a system (p-drains, lawns, toilets etc.) for a zero-wastewater solution. PureOFlow eliminates the need for buildings, businesses or residences to rely on the high carbon-footprint of bottled water.

•   In working and living spaces, PureOFlow keeps fine fixtures looking great, eliminating hard-water mineral rings in tubs and toilets.

“The opportunity to water professionals is amazing,” said Tom Cartwright, CEO of PureOFlow. “Rather than just offering salt-using systems with a separate under-sink RO, the time is ripe to present a consumer solution that is not readily available from every water dealer and retail outlet in the country. With issues like water salinity and scarcity becoming more important, PureOFlow is well-positioned to help dealers thrive in the current regulatory and economic climate.”

Resistance to new methods
Historically, whole-house reverse osmosis has faced 5 primary obstacles, whether real or perceived. Today, PureOFlow addresses each of these obstacles:

•   ‘Too expensive for household use’…Prior to PureOFlow systems this was an accurate statement.  The PureOFlow systems are sized and priced for the consumer featuring a compact footprint as small as a water softener and priced to sell at prices similar to water softeners through dealers.

•   ‘Too difficult to maintain’…PureOFlow operates on-line pressure with limited filters that need to be replaced.  As a result, energy usage is reduced and the standard maintenance and number of filters replaced each year is actually less than what is required with an under sink RO system.

•   ‘Wastes too much water’…To date, conventional residential RO systems have not been very water-efficient, with efficiencies ranging from 5% to 12%. The PureOFlow systems operate closer to 50% efficiency, thus making the systems much more environmentally-friendly. While it is true that even at 50%, more water is used per day in the home than with a water softener, that amount is typically less than 200 additional gallons per day.  PureOFlow also offers a 100% recovery option wherein all the concentrate water is reused in other areas of the home or business.

•   ‘Reverse osmosis adds to wastewater’…Actually, PureOFlow’s concentrated water is not “waste” water at all. The concentrate from an RO system contains the same contaminants found in the feed water without as much water to dilute the concentration. This water is returned to municipal water supplies, minus the chlorine and without one ounce of additional salts or other chemicals added.

•   ‘RO water is too aggressive for copper pipes’…While it is true that ultrapure water (DI Water generally), is very aggressive and will attack copper, along with most other metals, RO water inherently is not aggressive – provided the pH is above 6.0 and the TDS is above 10ppm.  Studies have been performed on this myth, and they have shown that water quality above 10ppm and 6.0 pH is not aggressive toward copper plumbing. In fact, several of the larger cities in the U.S. have TDS levels at or below 60ppm, including Seattle, Atlanta and New York City.


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About PureOFlow
PureOFlow is the nation’s leading innovator in water purification products. Since 2007, PureOFlow has offered the most economical and environmentally friendly point-of-entry water purification systems for the residential and commercial markets. In today’s economy, cost of ownership and environmental impact are arguably the most important issues to consumers and business owners alike. PureOFlow represents the best solution to address today’s economic and environmental concerns related to greener, cleaner water solutions, as well as offering a valuable solution to water softener bans across the nation. PureOFlow systems satisfy all of these concerns by generating ROI and contributing positively to the environment. More than 1,000 businesses have trusted PureOFlow technology to provide purified water efficiently and cost-effectively to their customers. For more information visit www.pureoflow.com, or call (763) 497-8500.
Tags:Water, Filtration, Beverage, Restaurant, Green
Industry:Consumer, Restaurants, Environment
Location:St. Michael - Minnesota - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Mar 11, 2009

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