Recovery Author Stephen Della Valle Soon to Host Recovery Radio Talk Show

Stephen Della Valle, author of Rising Above the Influence: A True Story About Alcohol, Drugs and Recovery may be soon debuting his own recovery radio talk show
Nov. 26, 2008 - PRLog -- (OAK RIDGE, NJ)—Following a recent interview with Butch Jamieson of Street Masters Productions, Stephen Della Valle, author of Rising Above the Influence: A True Story About Alcohol, Drugs and Recovery, has met with producers to discuss a talk show of his own.  

“Since the release of my book, I have been privileged to appear on both national radio and television shows,” says Stephen.  “Each show is an opportunity to spread the message of recovery.”

As percentages of people consuming a drink or taking a drug for the first time continue to increase, new methods of recovery are available as never before.  Twenty years ago people went to AA/NA meetings, spoke with a sponsor, and read recovery literature, today, all of those other things are available, plus recovery is at your fingertips with a simple touch of a button.

“Nowadays recovery is available twenty-four-seven via the computer,” says Stephen.  “There are thousands of websites geared towards promoting sobriety, and many of them offer links and instructions on how to get help.

“The internet is such a powerful tool in recovery nowadays,” says Stephen.  “People can access recovery chat rooms, forums and even listen to meetings online, so even when nobody is physically around, help is always there.”

Stephen, who is also the President of Turning Point Rehabilitation Center in Verona, NJ, is very adamant about getting the message of sobriety out there as much as possible.

“Alcoholism and addiction are serious diseases which claim the lives of over one hundred thousand people a year,” says Stephen.  “It is crucial to continue to educate both kids and adults of the real life consequences and dangers involved with substance abuse.”

In his new book, Stephen candidly recounts his indoctrination into the world of substance abuse as a young teenager; and the desperate, sometimes morbidly comical situations he endured to support his heavy addictions to heroin, prescription drugs, cocaine and alcohol.

Rising Above the Influence is Stephen’s honest and inspiring account of the depths one man can fall to—and the heights he can achieve if only he reaches out a hand for help.

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