Artificial Intelligence in Email to SMS

Indices are used to point to bodies of text for search based on the probabilities that the text actually relates to something very specific!
May 5, 2008 - PRLog -- Here we are in 2008 and we still debate the merits of artificial intelligence in email to SMS! Artificial intelligence is over 50 years old as this nice review of where AI is describes:  
AI is very effective in specific well-bounded applications. You can find many great search tools based on AI techniques of statistical and linguistic analysis. Indices are used to point to bodies of text for search based on the probabilities that the text actually relates to something very specific! If search engines used even more structured AI such as ontologies of relational concepts, we would get even better results! We have also developed great data mining applications based on AI.
Let us also not forget about all the AI in games these days as well as the bots that scour the net while we sleep! Another well-bounded area for AI is content analysis for outbound email content control. We effectively implemented this for compliance applications to prevent Securities, SOX or HIPAA violations or company secrets from going onto the Internet  
At Amika Mobile, the challenge is to pick our key points from email and maximize the use of the 2×2 inch micro-screens of mobile devices that most people walk around with. We do this by using statistical and linguistic analysis on the content and ranking what is most important. To me this is not rocket science or magic any more, it is simply good old algorithmic software engineering!
Amika Mobile's team is recognized as pioneering real-time wireless email and Internet content analysis solutions. More information
Artificial Intelligence in Email to SMS  |
Artificial Intelligence in Email to SMS  | News From Amika Mobile Corporation

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