Strategic Vision Salutes Literary Client Dr. David Eigen

Author of Men – The Gods of Love Selected As A Finalist For The Nautilus Book Award Prestigious Literary Award Will Be Announced At BookExpo America
April 9, 2008 - PRLog -- Atlanta, GA – Strategic Vision, LLC, a leading book publicity agency salutes its client, Dr. David Eigen, author of Men – The Gods of Love for being selected as a finalist by the Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Self-Help. The critically acclaimed, Men – The Gods of Love, is the culmination of 4 years of research and writing by Dr. Eigen and is designed to explore and debunk the myths and illusions that shape masculine energy and what men have become. The book is the first in a projected three book series with the following books dealing with women and relationship.

Awarded yearly, the Nautilus Book Awards recognize and reward world-changing books, and celebrate how they contribute to positive social change, spiritual growth, conscious living, high-level wellness, and responsible leadership. Finalists are carefully selected in a unique three-tier judging process by an experienced team of book reviewers, librarians, authors, editors, book store owners, and leaders in the publishing industry. Winners will be announced at BookExpo America in Los Angeles this May.  There will be one Gold Winner and two Silver Winners in each category.

“Promoting quality authors means more than just interviews and book reviews, it means having a book that stands out and is recognized by the book industry as cutting-edge and innovative in its style and thought,” said David E. Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, LLC. “Men – The Gods of Love is such a book and that is why it is being honored as a finalist by the Nautilus Award and is reaching readers in unique ways.”

In addition to the Nautilus Award, Men – The Gods of Love, has been nominated for seven other literary awards. Dr. Eigen has also appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Oprah & Friends, and CNN Headline News’ Glenn Beck Show to discuss some of the ideas mentioned in Men – The Gods of Love.

Strategic Vision is considered a leading book publicity firm and represents authors of all genres. At Strategic Vision, a team of dedicated publicists work with our authors in developing and executing carefully designed publicity campaigns that include traditional interviews, book reviews, award nominations, viral marketing, and other innovative public relations strategies.

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