New Evidence Proves James Bond was Based on Occult KnowledgeWith Ian Fleming’s 100th Birthday celebrations and the release of the new Bond film, Quantum of Solace looming, a new story emerges that throws a completely new light on the whole world of James Bond.
By: Real2Can The new book, The Bond Code, reveals how Fleming included special etymological and numerological codes within his Bond novels to re-create ancient sacred tales of deep psychological importance. Drawing upon esoteric knowledge and an understanding of alchemy, Ian Fleming produced a work no different to the tales of the Holy Grail or dragon slaying fairy tales, within which lay the ancient understanding of human wisdom. The author, Philip Gardiner, is an expert on esoteric philosophy and etymology and realised there was a code at play when watching the film, Live and Let Die. For two years he researched Ian Fleming and read his novels, discovering vast amounts of information previously unrealised. Using his knowledge of codes from his time in Naval Intelligence, Ian Fleming also drew around him a conclave of mystically inclined individuals, created his own sacred retreat and embarked upon a quest to deal with his own personal issues. The Bond Code reveals some stark facts: that Ian Fleming utilised Tantric sexual rites in-order to raise his consciousness; Released on April 15th, The Bond Code has already drawn the attention of many Freemasons following a three hour National American Radio Show. Many have revealed that they had wondered whether Fleming was in fact a Mason himself, due to the rituals they had seen within the films. Philip Gardiner is now set to appear on National Evening news shows, newspapers and magazines across the world, as word gets out about this amazing discovery. The Bond Code is published by New Page Books and is released April 15th. For further information, interviews, lectures or articles please contact Michael Pralin, Real2Can (michael at More information can be found at or Philip Gardiner is the best selling author of numerous books translated into many languages. He also produces cutting edge films and lives in Nottinghamshire, England. He regularly lectures across the world and has appeared on television, radio and in newspapers and magazines everywhere. Website: End