Unleash the Power of the Internet and Take Your Business to the Next Level !The purpose of this press release is to give entrepreneur’s free advice as to how they can gain a compitive edge in 2008 by creating, designing, and developing an E-business that will attract and keep potential clients coming back.
By: enDesign Studios The purpose of this E-book is to give entrepreneur’ Whether you are an established business or entrepreneur, you want a website that sends the right message to potential clients. There are some “must knows” about web design techniques that are simply inappropriate for a business website. In order to magnetize traffic to your site, you need to create a website that fulfills two common and important factors such as rich useful content and search engine friendliness. Besides these two factors there are several other factors that should not be underestimated such as a vision, mission and objectives. They may be of minor importance but these factors will help you to achieve maximum success. There are many elements of web design that are harmful for a business website. One of the worst web design techniques is to use Flash instead of text, which increases the size of the page, and is not search engine friendly. Flash has become a fashion and common persuasion for the Webmaster. It is an ineffective tool for most business web sites except for a few which are associated with entertainment, fashion and gaming. It really amazes me to see start up businesses and their whole presence created in a flash shell. But if you are among the flash lovers and you have a strong desire to have flash on your website, then create a non-Flash version also. Creating a website that is simple, logical and easy to use actually sells. Simplicity in web design has important benefits, such as: -Fast download -Easy to scan and navigate -Easy to create, design, and develop -Require less server space and bandwidth -Less expensive and generates more traffic Subscribe now to our free e-book now and unleash the power of the internet and take Your Business To the Next Level" http://www.endesignstudios.com/ # # # endesign studios is a full-service visual communication consultancy based in Atlanta, GA. Over the years we have gained significant experience in all aspects of design and visual communication and have mastered the art of advertising campaign, including any one of the individual elements, such as the illustrations, package details, or visual symbols. Website: www.endesignstudios.com End