Give the gift of better health (and a better body) this Holiday with AquaVee

When shopping for gifts this year, remember that it’s not the thought that counts, it’s the present!
Oct. 22, 2007 - PRLog -- Innovative, useful, fun…
Giving health and fitness-related gifts can be a dicey proposition. No matter how well-intentioned, effective or necessary, a gift-subscription to Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig given on Christmas may invariably send the wrong message.  And forget about wedging a Bowflex or Stairmaster under the tree. But AquaVee is a different kind of gift.  It’s an equal-opportunity gift, suitable for men or women. It’s new and novel - an innovative product just on the market.  It’s small and attractive, weighing less than two pounds. It’s fun to use, and fits nicely under the tree.

A gift that works?
And even better - it is an effective fitness product, it works.  Designed by a competitive swimmer looking for extension in his workout routine and tested by professional swimmers, fitness instructors and health experts, the AquaVee turns any pool into a serious workout machine.  So if your gift-recipient is into sports, health or fitness (or should be) AquaVee will do just the trick this Christmas. There’s also a Pilates version too

A wet workout experience like no other…
Breathing new life into any workout routine, AquaVee is a unique underwater fitness experience that will have the gift-recipient hooked in minutes (and be thanking you as well). True, the recipient does have to do all the hard work, but for anyone looking to fight off that beer belly, lose the love handles, post-baby pounds or just keep in great shape, AquaVee is designed to help get them fit, into shape and stay in shape.

30 minutes is all you need; the American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association says so
AquaVee uses nearly all muscle groups for maximum fitness impact, and zero impact on joints and connective tissues. 30 minutes with AquaVee is like an hour’s hard slog on the road. Which is great news because the American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association recently reduced their daily exercise guidelines to…30 minutes!!!  See the new daily exercise guidelines, August 2007 - American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association

Land vs. Water
It’s official.  Working out in water can burn more calories than on land. Land walking, 135 calories vs. deep water walking, 264 calories; jogging on land, 240 calories vs. deep water jogging, 340 calories.  However, a potentially “buff” body isn’t the only thing that you’ll be giving. Apart from the obvious benefits (like weight-loss) here are some other great things that your gift will be doing;

•Melt Away Pounds and Stress – It’s been proven that by exercising regularly, stress levels decrease significantly. That’s great news for everyone.
•Loads of Energy – Exercise = energy. Endorphins released into the bloodstream during exercise create an “energized” feeling that can last throughout the day.
•Count to 20 – Not having time to go to the gym is so old already. With AquaVee, there is no excuse. 20 minutes is all a person needs to get a complete blood-pumping, fat-busting, heart-healthy workout. That’s 20 minutes less checking emails, or watching re-runs of Seinfeld.
•More Exercise, More Food – That’s right, more food. When a person is exercising more, he or she is burning more calories and able to consume more food (within reason, ok?).

Best of all….no sticker shock
And for the gift giver, AquaVee is a pain-free purchase at the very reasonable price tag of $89 - a fraction of what a gift gym membership or liposuction might cost.  AquaVee really is the latest great gift idea - innovative, easy on the wallet, re-gift resistant and healthy.  It’s bound to be atop any fitness enthusiast’s wish list this season. Name another other gift that can do all that for under $100?!

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About AquaVee
Founded in 2006, Miami-based AquaVee, LLC, is the provider of water fitness products for children and adults of all fitness levels. Its flagship product, the AquaVee portable swim system, offers swimmers a full cardiovascular workout in just 15 minutes, less than half the time it would take to achieve the same level workout in the average swimming pool without the AquaVee system.  To learn more about AquaVee, visit or call 1(877)331-7554.


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