Xlibris Features Award-Winning Author Kevin Weeks

Xlibris’ award-winning author takes the spotlight.
By: Xlibris Corporation
July 17, 2007 - PRLog -- Kevin M. Weeks' personal story is just as intriguing and suspenseful as his debut novel.  He was born the second of four children in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He spent most of his youth in and out of foster homes and juvenile detention centers.  Deep inside he always knew he would be accomplished, especially when he was chosen to be in a documentary for the Boys Village of Maryland, a youth facility of the Maryland State Department of Juvenile Services.  Years later, Kevin M. Weeks spent countless hours researching the publishing industry in order to become a self-published author, even though he is currently serving time at the Georgia Department of Corrections in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Street Life Series is a collection of urban fiction/murder mystery novels.  Books2Mention Magazine provides the following book description to book clubs:  The Street Life Series: Is It Suicide Or Murder? is an urban tale depicting street life and the deadly game that unfolds. Teco “Homicide” Jackson joins the Strictly Business crew selling drugs in Philadelphia. He becomes the right hand man of Mujaheed Bashi Fiten who is the leader of the group. Teco is a smooth talker and has many women vying for his attention. He is considered the enforcer of the crew and soon gets caught up in more drama than he bargained for. Eventually a power struggle develops within the crew, as GQ a female member desires to take over and run things her way. Bashi becomes missing in action during the same time that Teco gets arrested. When Teco is released from jail he goes on a quest for answers and discovers some gruesome and shocking evidence. Will Teco continue to participate in the Strictly Business crew or will he choose to take his life in a different direction?

Weeks took pleasure in working with Xlibris throughout his publishing experience. “Xlibris was and still is a great launch pad for my publishing career. Their entire staff is the most patient team of people I’ve ever known,” he said.  Kevin M. Weeks continued, “One of the positive experiences for me in my relationship with Xlibris was that there has always been one Xlibris official who was my principal contact and to whom I could go with any problem or issue.  I am fortunate to have found a partner such as Xlibris.”

Asked if he’d recommend Xlibris to other hopeful writers, he emphasized, “I already have recommended Xlibris to others; and I continue to work with Xlibris myself.  My goal is to position The Street Life Series as a lucrative series for a major publishing firm to sign in the near future.  Until then, I’ve personally scheduled for Xlibris to publish my next two books in the series.”

The Street Life Series: Is It Suicide or Murder? may be purchased directly through Xlibris Corporation, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon.

For more information on our featured author, visit www.thestreetlifeseries.com.

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Xlibris was founded in 1997 and, as the leading publishing services provider for authors, has helped to publish more than 20,000 titles. Xlibris is based in Philadelphia, PA and is a strategic partner of Random House Ventures, LLC, a subsidiary of Random House, Inc. Xlibris provides authors with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound, and full-color formats.

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