![]() Psa - January 2nd Is National Motivation & Inspiration Day®Psa - public service announcement
January is motivation & inspiration month® And; january 2nd is national motivation & inspiration day® January 2nd of every year is National Motivation & Inspiration Day®, as passed by The United States Congress on December 18, 2001, when they passed H.Res 308 after the tragic events of 9-11-01. Kevin L. McCrudden, also known as, "Mr. Motivation and America's Chief Motivation Officerã," became the ONLY motivational and leadership speaker in history to EVER have a day of recognition passed by The United States Congress and New York State acknowledging the importance of motivation and inspiration in our lives! "The Top 3% of the highest performing people in the world are known to write down their personal goals annually. Why wouldn't we all do that?, McCrudden asks. He continued, "that is why I created National Motivation & Inspiration Day® and Motivation & Inspiration Month®, for people to not just make New Year's Resolutions and never follow through, but rather write down S.M.A.R.T. and Achievable goals every year. It's also why I created the "Simple Goals APP®," to make it easy for people to make and track their goals daily. Can you imagine if 90% of society became goal-oriented and determined to achieve their goals and dreams, and not just 3%." McCrudden will host a Podcast on Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube Live on Thursday, January 2nd at 12:00, noon est. His guests will be 2-time Super Bowl Champion and voted one of the Top 100 New York Giants of all time, Leonard Marshall; World-renowned best-selling author and speaker Dr. Willie Jolley; Best-selling author, nutritionist and coach, Karen Mayo; and author and speaker, Jim Johnson, Jr. IN ADDITION, to creating "National Motivation & Inspiration Day®," and "Motivation & Inspiration Month®," author of 8 books and audiobooks, Kevin is the creator, co-producer and co-director of the globally award-winning documentary, "The Light of Man®.," which the New York Film Awards called, "Powerful. A Love Letter to the World…" End