Tobu Railway's Hosts "Tokyo Downtown Tour: Bamboo Lighting."This Series of Bamboo Lighting Events Taking Place now, from November 9, 2023 to January 31, 2024, along the Sumida River Walk and in the "Soyokaze Hiroba" (Breeze Plaza) area of Sumida Park in Downtown "Shitamachi" Tokyo.
By: Tobu Railway Group, LTD This lighting event will be held in corporation with "CHIKAKEN," a Kumamoto-based event producer, founded by Mr. Kenji Mishiro, a specialist in bamboo lighting. More Downtown Tokyo Light-ups and Guided Tours! "Let's light up Sumida Park with Bamboo Lights Together! Participatory Lighting Event" This is an international friendship lighting celebration featuring elementary school students in Sumida City and foreign visitors to Japan. Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023 and Sunday, December 3, 2023 Hours: Making bamboo lighting experience -- 12:00 -13:30, 13:45 -15:15, 15:30 -17:00 Lighting Ceremony -- 17:30 -17:45. "Night Marché," a third lighting event, will be held in cooperation with the Sumida City Tourism Association, where local businesses will open stalls and free guided tours will be offered from the Asakusa area to the Sumida Park neighborhood. Night Marché dates and times: Dates: Sunday, November 26 to Sunday, December 24, 2023 and Sunday, January 28, 2024 Hours: 17:00 - 20:30 (tentative) each day Free Guided Tours – 8 Days in Total! Dates: Sunday, November 26, Friday, December 1, Friday, December 8, Friday, Sunday, December 15, Sunday, December 24, Friday, January 12, Friday, January 19, Sunday, January 28, 2024 "Bamboo Lighting at Ushijima Shrine" (also held in 2022) and the illuminations at the Kitajukkengawa River Terrace, adjacent to Tokyo Mizumachi, will be featured a well. Period: Thursday, November 9, 2023 to Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Hours: 17:00 - 22:00 "Tokyo Downtown Tour: Bamboo Lighting" is subsidized by Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau. (The "Tokyo Downtown Tour: Bamboo Lighting" will be implemented using the "Nighttime and Early Morning Utilization Promotion Subsidy" provided by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau.) Period: Thursday, November 9, 2023 to Wednesday, January 31, 2024 17:00 - 22:00 About Tobu Railway TOBU Railway Co., Ltd. is a major Japanese corporation consisting of approximately 80 companies. The Tobu Railway covers the longest operating distance in Metropolitan Tokyo, leading to numerous tourist attractions including: Asakusa and TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN in Tokyo; Nikko and Kinugawa-Onsen, famous for its world heritage sites and hot springs; the Tatebayashi and Ashikaga areas, known for their blooming flower fields; and Kawagoe and Tochigi City, where the atmosphere of the old Edo era lives on. Tobu is also invested in a portfolio of hotels, including the newly opened The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko and FUFU Nikko Onsen Resort. Media Contact Marian Goldberg Marketing Communications, LLC in Asso. w/ QBIC Factory Inc. for TOBU Railway *** 1-347-559-6462 Photos: End