Husband and wife writing team delight young readers with a rollicking sequencing storyA naughty dog leads a little girl on a hot pursuit in a tale of kindness and diversity—available in bilingual formats.
Lin and Fu are a bilingual family who have been dedicated to speaking Mandarin and English to their young children so that they can feel a connection to their heritage and culture and identify with family members back in Asia. When the idea of a picture book blossomed in 2020, the pair relate that, "After witnessing BLM, Asian hate crime, and re-election, the message became ever so clear to us that the story's message ought to be about humanity." Their fun and poignant story, with jaunty and painterly illustrations by talented artist Robyn Ng, is filled with diverse city neighborhoods and characters, and the reader is brought on a playful pursuit when the rascally dog, Bobo, runs after a squirrel. As Bobo's sitter, a young girl, tails him in earnest, a cumulative following ensues. Nothing is so important that the girl can't stop to help a stranger along the way—such as pointing out a red sock in a basket of white clothing at the laundromat, or reuniting a cafe patron with their lost jacket, among other instances of kindness along the chase route. Soon enough a parade of helpers return her kindness to help catch the speedy pup. "Caring bonds us together, we were strangers till now," the story tenderly shares. Available in both English and Chinese formats (both simplified Chinese and traditional) If you would like more information about authors Ivan Lin and Stephanie Fu and Bobo's Wild Chase, please contact or visit End