Report: Ukraine and Belarus Gained UN Membership through FraudNewly published report provides insights into startling international intrigue at the time the United Nations was founded. A little known fraud was perpetuated that gave one country three times the voting power of other nations.
By: Omnicom Press NEW BRITAIN, Conn. - Aug. 23, 2022 - PRLog -- Report: Ukraine and Belarus Gained UN Membership through Fraud
Omnicom Press author William Dunkerley has just released a startling new report. It reveals a little known fact about the United Nations memberships of Ukraine and Belarus. Dunkerley asserts that at the time they joined "they lacked the basic qualifications for membership." Dunkerley details the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that took place to accomplish what he calls "trickery." He says that it was neither Ukraine nor Belarus that perpetuated the fraud, though. According to Dunkerley, Soviet strongman Josef Stalin was the culprit. "Stalin actually netted extra voting power for himself at the UN through this fraud," Dunkerley said. Inexplicably, news reports have ignored this anomaly over the years. Yet Ukraine and Belarus still rely upon their improper entrance to justify their UN memberships today. Citing international law, Dunkerley's report explains the ways in which Ukraine and Belarus were unqualified. He also cites the action taken by Stalin in an attempt to cover up that fact. Dunkerley's report titled "How Ukraine and Belarus Failed to Qualify for UN Membership" was published in the August 17 edition of Eurasia Review and is available free of charge at In conclusion Dunkerley remarked that Stalin's fraudulent deed leaves Ukraine and Belarus "with an unsavory act in their past. It deserves acknowledgment and exploration for any lingering negative consequences." Dunkerley is the author of Ukraine in the Crosshairs published by Omnicom press. His book offers essential background on today's war between Russia and Ukraine. It explains "Ukraine's lingua-ethnic dilemma," discusses the legitimacy of the 2014 revolution and the influence of Russian president Vladimir Putin. The role of the United States is discussed as well. Dunkerley is a recognized expert on international media misrepresentation, and he delves into its role in the Ukraine saga. Ukraine in the Crosshairs is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers. End