As a Nation, We Cannot Survive at this Frantic Pace. We're losing the War without the Enemy Firing a Single Shot. God Help Us!How did We get Ourselves into this Predicament? Bad Leadership, Poor Judgment, Carelessness or a 'I just Don't Care' Attitude? It has to Stop and Now!
Langston: The pleasure and honor is mine. I really appreciate it. Camby: So, let me ask you the obvious question, what happened? Langston: I believe this election more so than the others was a conflict of man's will vs. Gods' Will. Abortion, same sex marriage, will we support Israel and the rights of Christians were the contested issues. I would dare say that about 25% of Christians even considered these issues. Camby: So, are you saying that Christians influenced the outcome of this past election? Langston: To a large extent 'Yes'. I know the world, and many in the Church disagree with this, but everything in the life of a Christian should be viewed through the eyes of the Spirit. Camby: Wow, man that's something to think about! I guess I need to be more attentive to what I ask of the Lord in my prayers and not take my petitions likely. Langston: Yep, we all can say that. Camby: I read your book and it was fascinating. In Chapter 7 you stated, and I quote, 'So my vote will be for the republican platform and Donald Trump'. Since Joe Biden won, do you still feel this way? Langston: Yes, I Do. Unfortunately, the Lords' Will is not always done. And anytime that occurs, there are consequences. I believe God has a Plan for this Country, and this One Will not be Delayed or Hindered! Camby: We have about one more minute, but I need to ask you this, what did you put in the revision that can shed any light on the problems we now face as a nation? Langston: Good question. I'll try to keep my response brief. First, I included choices and decisions made by our leaders that influenced where we are today. Second, when facts are ignored, manipulated or kept hidden, that is unfair to the American people. We need this information to make informed decisions. And lastly, if you ignore the Bible you are already teetering on the edge of destruction. Camby: Thank you again Langston: Thank you also, Blessings Preview "Who Will Win?" Order copies of "Who Will Win?" James is a retired naval officer. Langston and his wife Cecilia have been married for more than 43 years. They have six children and fifteen grandchildren. Photo: End