New reports from 83bar Patient Activation market research* Insights from recent market tests using its integrated digital health platform
* Highlights from seven important medical categories, to compare and contrast results from tests in a range of conditions * Implications of findings for pharma brands, medical devices, and clinical trial recruitment to accelerate and improve patient journey management By: 83bar Inc. 83bar generated the report data using its fully integrated digital health technology and clinical contact platform. The company has achieved significant results with its process for provider networks, commercial clients, and clinical trial sponsors. These reports demonstrate the value to accelerate and improve patient journey management. According to Bob Baurys, CEO of 83bar, "We're advancing patient journey management as the next step from patient activation. This data enables us to identify patients willing to begin an assessment, engage in education, and then commit and sustain their patient journey. These market reports help us listen to how patients speak." Alex Hilderbrand, vice president of patient activation & strategy at 83bar, directed the execution of the research, as well as the compilation of the data analysis. He says, "The response and form-fill rates are consistent across disease states. When we look at a marketing funnel, the number of patients you get at the top is about prevalence. But once you get past that key variable, the rates start looking similar across different patient groups. After people take our online survey and submit, the contact rates are almost always between 30% to 50%. We also find that the percentage who meet specific criteria and who are willing to move forward is also fairly similar across campaigns. We start seeing 20% to 35% of qualified patients want to move forward." Here are highlights from the reports.
For more information and to download any of these reports, visit About 83bar Inc. 83bar Inc. headquartered in Austin, Texas manages the patient journey from symptom to solution. We empower patients with education to help self-champion and expedite a positive healthcare outcome. Our 4-part LENA (Locate, Evaluate, Navigate & Activate) system delivers ready-to-act patients to medical providers, on behalf of our medical device, medical diagnostics, and medical sciences partners. Over the last 5 years, we have completed over 1.5 million prospective patient conversations resulting in 100,000+ successful patient pathway outcomes across 20+ therapeutic areas and associated diseases. To find out how 83bar can help your medical device, medical diagnostic, or clinical trial, visit us at End