Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda Launches "Stay Vote Ready" Campaign to Register, Educate & Protect VotersBy: Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda "There's so much at stake in this election and Black voters can make a difference in Georgia," says Helen Butler, executive director of the Peoples' Agenda, a nonpartisan organization founded by the late civil rights leader, Dr. Joseph E. Lowery. Butler continues, "Decisions on issues important to the Black community will be made by the people we elect to office. Affordable healthcare is on the ballot, criminal justice reform, police reform, good paying jobs and quality education, are all on the ballot. The Peoples' Agenda is determined to make history in 2020 and turnout Black voters in record numbers. To do that we must register, mobilize and ensure that every eligible voter is allowed to cast a ballot that is counted." Headquartered in Atlanta, with satellite offices in Savannah, Augusta, Macon, Albany, LaGrange and Athens, the Peoples Agenda has volunteers trained in COVID19-safe practices registering voters at various locations across the state, canvassing in hard-to-reach communities and calling registered voters. They're also actively recruiting people who are desperately needed to train for paid positions as poll workers and poll monitors to help protect our democracy. And, as part of the Unity '20 Black Voting and Power Building National Campaign, the group will host a series of Black Women's Roundtable Power of the Sister Vote Virtual Table Talks. "There is so much dangerous disinformation circulating that even seasoned voters are getting confused about dates, deadlines and other facts," said Felicia Davis, convener of Clayton County Black Women's Roundtable (BWR). Davis continues, "Our BWR state and local table talks are helping us to organize Black women voters and enables trusted voices to communicate facts for women to deliver to the community. We're advising people who want to vote in person to vote early starting October 12 and anyone who wants to vote absentee should send the request for a mail-in ballot today." Linda Lloyd, coordinator for the Peoples' Agenda Athens office adds, "Georgia public officials have been known to purge thousands of voters and close polling places in Black communities so we are urging people to 'Stay Vote Ready.' Staying vote ready means that even if you know you registered to vote, in advance of every election you still must verify that you are registered and confirm your polling place. You can check your voter registration status and also request and track your absentee ballot at" In addition to public service announcements, traditional and social media, every Tuesday the Peoples' Agenda will continue hosting weekly virtual candidate's forums (12 – 2 PM) and GOTV (get out the vote) webinars for the DeKalb Public Library (7PM). The forums help people understand where local and state candidates stand on issues and provide up-to-date information on voting. For more information on the Peoples' Agenda, to volunteer, or to participate in events visit or call (404) 653-1199. End