Hurricane Season Prep Tips by former Deputy Insurance CommissionerForecasted Active Storm Season Requires Active Preparation Now
By: TeleDirections "One of the most important things we can do as Floridians is not forget that storm season comes every year and we need to prepare like a storm is going to happen this week. It's all about protecting people and property," said Miller, who is a disaster insurance and recovery expert and host of The Florida Insurance Roundup podcast. One of her tips is for homeowners to contact their insurance agent to confirm they have proper coverage, including for flooding, which most homeowners policies don't cover. Flooding is responsible for most disaster-related damage in the U.S. Florida is especially vulnerable. Ms. Miller's hurricane field and policy experience spans from Florida's historic Hurricane Andrew in 1992 to present day recovery efforts from 2018's Hurricane Michael and 2017's Hurricane Irma. As Florida's Deputy Insurance Commissioner and Deputy Chief Financial Officer in Florida's Department of Financial Services, she led the My Safe Florida Home program, a $250 million legislative initiative to encourage Floridians to strengthen their homes against hurricanes, following the spate of eight storms that hit Florida from 2004-2005. She also helped launch the Hurricane Claims Mediation Program, an initiative that achieved a 95% success rate in expediting the settlement of residential and commercial claims for 30,000 consumers. "Lisa's Lucky 7 Hurricane Season Prep" is available for viewing and printing at MEDIA NOTE: Ms. Miller is available for media interviews before, during, and after storms this season. You can reach her directly at 850-528-9229 and Her bi-weekly newsletter features relevant Florida stories on insurance, flooding, disaster management, construction, and engineering and you can subscribe here. One of her latest stories is on a lapse in FEMA flood monitoring here in Florida. She is also knowledgeable on business insurance claims relating to business interruption from the coronavirus. End