US Army Veteran Places His Boots on The Ground – Acumentrics Places Power in His Backpack!

By: Acumentrics
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Acumentrics Pack Power in Use Post-Hurricane Dorian by the DART Team
Acumentrics Pack Power in Use Post-Hurricane Dorian by the DART Team
WALPOLE, Mass. - Oct. 11, 2019 - PRLog -- Acumentrics Inc. is the leader in Rugged Uninterruptible Power Supplies. With their new line of Portable Power Solutions, disaster relief is in the forefront of their minds!

On September 1st a devastating category 5 hurricane Dorian unleashed its wrath on the Northern Bahamas, wreaking havoc on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. Acumentrics couldn't just stand by, so they put their plan into action!

Partnering with D.A.R.T. (Disaster Aid Relief Team) which is headquartered in Melbourne, Florida and comprised of Military Veterans, Acumentrics donated Pack-Power™ Systems equipped to keep the teams' communication, emergency-medical and other electronic devices powered during their Bahamian relief missions.

"We heard about the devastation as well as the much-needed relief D.A.R.T was providing, and we wanted to ensure their ability to locate hard hit zones without losing power. It was a no-brainer to provide these Portable Power Solutions to the D.A.R.T. team to ensure their mission was as safe and as efficient as possible." – John Cerulli, CEO, Acumentrics

Many remote locations in the Bahamas rely solely on coordinates. With the loss of grid power, it can make any mission almost impossible. Losing power or signal during these missions can lead to a detrimental outcome. Many of the affected areas have communities of people who are unable to move freely on their own and need tele-medical attention.

"Receiving these devices is a God-send, being able to move freely knowing our GPS, medical equipment, and communication devices can remain powered at all times is a great feeling. On-board our missions we include medics and a documentary crew who can power their equipment at any given time, on-the-go. It makes things a lot easier knowing we don't have to stop to find a place to charge, especially when time is of the essence." – Cameron Goodyear, CEO & Founder of D.A.R.T & U.S. Army Veteran

Acumentrics is proud to assist in this type of disaster relief effort. D.A.R.T. is working alongside the Freeport Rotary Club, NEMA, The Miami Dolphins Alumni, Mission Resolve and other Government officials providing disaster relief on Grand Bahama Island as well as Abaco. To learn more about what D.A.R.T. is doing you can visit their website:

"We developed the Pack-Power System based on the lessons learned from Hurricane Maria. At that time disaster relief teams were faced with constant power challenges which did not allow them to operate their lifesaving electronic equipment. It's a great feeling to know that the portable Pack-Power System is saving lives by providing the power needed to the D.A.R.T. team." – Steve Corbesero, SVP Sales & Marketing, Acumentrics.

About Acumentrics:
Since 1994 Acumentrics, Inc., has been a trusted market leader in RUPS™ (Rugged AC and DC Uninterruptible Power Supplies) for harsh and combat environments, as well as heavy-duty industrial applications.  RUPS™ provide clean power and battery backup when reliability is critical.  The modern military increasingly relies on computers and other sophisticated electronic equipment to accomplish their missions.  RUPS™ keep this mission critical equipment online in harsh environments by addressing inevitable electrical variances, surges, spikes, sags, and interruptions.  As a result, Acumentrics is a preferred supplier of US-made power electronics to many of the world's largest prime defense contractors. To learn more about Acumentrics please visit:


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