City of Gretna providing smart payment methods to it's citizens while reducing cashiering costsGretna, LA has adopted a Smart City initiative to deploy certain payment innovations that will make it easier for its citizens to pay their utility bills and their taxes. This initiative is a win win for everyone, because it reduces the cost of operation for the city while providing convenience to its residents. Gretna's residents can not only use the conveniently located kiosk at City Hall 24/7 to pay, but, they can also be reminded on their smartphones and pay from their phones.
By: City of Gretna, LA And payment automation all the way it is. First there is a kiosk called JACK (Justified Automated Collections Kiosk) majestically sits through the city hall wall, right by the main entrance. The kiosk accepts cash, check and credit card payments. It speaks English and Spanish and it accepts payments for Utilities and Taxes. And of course there is online payments through the city of Gretna's website and there is IVR (Interactive Voice Repsonse) or some might call it Pay By Phone. But, what's most exciting are two services that the city offers its residents to make their lives easier. Utility Express - Notifies and periodically reminds residents of their utility payments through text and email messages to their smart phones. Residents can simply click on the link in the message, and they can see their current balance and the account number is also embedded in the message. So, no need to go find your paper bill, just click through the message and pay it. Tax Express - works in a similar way to Utility Express, accept it notifies and reminds and allow you to pay your taxes from your smartphone. The technologies that are mentioned above are provided by the Texas based company AdComp Systems Group. Their PayAllEasy suite of products are being used in hundreds of cities nationwide. Contact Raylyn Stevens - Finance Director *** (504) 363-1570 Photos: End
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