Extra 20% Off The Perfect Stocking Stuffer For WW II Buffs!Chameleons, An Untold World War II Story takes you below the waves.
By: Marchri Productions 2017 International Book Excellence Award first place winner in the Military Book Category. Currently in first place for Historical Fiction in the OnlineBookClub Book of the Year voting. Reviewed by the prestigious Publishers Weekly: Chameleons: An Untold World War II Story Marcus A. Nannini. Black Rose Writing, $19.95 trade paper (261p) ISBN 978-1-61296- "A shocking present-day discovery on Oahu sparks an investigation into the aftermath of the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Nannini's well-researched thriller. As two workers excavate earth for a backyard pool, they call in the police after coming across a skeleton gripping a pistol. Further digging reveals a small metal box bearing the insignia of the Imperial Japanese Navy. That evidence leads the local authorities to pass the matter along to the U.S. Navy, which assigns Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Pastwa and Lt. Karen Yamura to identify the remains and the circumstances of their burial. The pair focus on the box's contents, a logbook purported to have been written by someone who manned a Japanese midget submarine that torpedoed the battleship Oklahoma and, later on Dec. 7, 1941, made his way onshore. Pastwa and Yamura prove able detectives as they follow the very cold trail to a satisfying resolution of the mystery. WWII buffs will find much to like. (BookLife)" Save Twenty Percent (20%) when you purchase directly from the publisher and, for a limited time, use the Discount Code: PRINT http://www.blackrosewriting.com/ Midwest Book Review: Critique: "An original and inherently engaging novel from beginning to end, Chameleons, An Untold World War II Story is a truly extraordinary and deftly written entertainment that reveals author Marcus A. Nannini's genuine flair for taking an actual historical incident and crafting it into a detailed and compelling narrative." Verdict: "VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" End