Peak Oil is Here, Peak Water is Near & is a HydroActivist Startup Seeking Support

Peak Water is the point where demand for safe clean water begins to exceed the abilities of nature and man to supply it. is a startup social enterprise raising awareness, empowering activism and offering alternatives for peak water. to Launch Crowdfunding Campaign on 6-Jan-2015 to Launch Crowdfunding Campaign on 6-Jan-2015
ISLAMORADA, Fla. - Dec. 20, 2014 - PRLog -- 97.5% or more of all water on Earth is saline. Less than 0.75% of the freshwater remaining is accessible to sustain all non-marine plant and animal life. And as the United States fracks its homeland and attacks overseas to maximize its share of a finite and dwindling global fossil fuel supply, more and more vital potable water is being lost to hydraulic fracturing along with herbicide contamination, industrial pollution and the effects of CO2- and methane-accelerated climate change.

Peak Water is the point where our demands for safe clean freshwater begin to exceed the combined abilities of nature and man to replenish and supply it affordably and without harming ecosystems. The term was coined by Peter Gleick and Meena Palaniappan, who in a 2010 peer-reviewed article distinguish between peak renewable, peak non-renewable and peak ecological water to demonstrate that although there is a vast amount of water on Earth, sustainably managed water is becoming scarce.

Water scarcity is no longer just a third-world problem. Drought, drilling, industrial and other demands on an already-stressed water supply have brought about unprecedented levels of groundwater depletion throughout the U.S. Since 2000 the average rate of water withdrawal has been nearly 2.8 times higher than our 20th century average. The key Ogallala Aquifer, for example, is just one of many being overpumped at unsustainable rates. And once depleted, natural replenishment could take up to 1,300 years.

We can't drink oil - and we can't keep sacrificing our shrinking potable water supply to get it. Recent history shows we also can't rely on local, state or federal governments to protect America's water from those who would privatize, pollute and poison it. What we can do is take it upon ourselves to maintain accessible fresh water today and sustain it for our children tomorrow. is a startup social enterprise building a hydroactivist platform to empower that proactivity. will alert its members about key issues in hydropolitics (the politics of water) and significant actions of corporations, lobbyists, politicians, governments, government agencies and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the water privatization and hydropolitical arenas. It will also provide its members with strategies, tactics and tools for taking grassroots action to preserve the fundamental human right to clean water for themselves and future generations. will also enable its members to do more with less. Recent reports that "U.S. Water Usage is Lowest in Decades" rarely disclose the claim is based on 2010 data, does not include the massive diversion of water to fracking since 2010, and reflects industrial decline more than reduced consumer usage. Americans still use 89 gallons (337L) of water per day which more than doubles the UK (150L), almost triples Germany (122L) and exceeds six times UN recommendations (50L).

To help sustain its awareness and activism operations, plans to offer an extensive selection of proven and innovative hydration and self-sufficiency solutions such as atmospheric water generators that literally make water from air, solar stills and desalinators, portable and chemical-free nano-filtration water purifiers and receptacles, and BPA-free stainless steel water containers with money-saving discounts and exclusive first-look product offers for paid members. needs your support to create and activate its hydroactivist platform. With your contributions they pledge to do all that resources and capabilities allow to open the eyes of the media-mesmerized, give them the targets and tools they need to engage in the fight for their hydropolitical rights, and offer them water acquisition, purification, storage and conservation solutions that will assure clean potable water for themselves and those that depend on them.

Contribute to and you'll be helping yourself, your children, fellow mankind and future generations. In return for your support you'll receive the satisfaction that comes from doing the right thing, their appreciation and recognition for making possible, and your choice from a number of compelling "contributor perks" that each provide a return of value far in excess of your contribution. You will truly be doing well by doing good.

The Crowdfunding Campaign is scheduled for launch Tuesday 6 January 2015 on (under Environment).  You can read their campaign draft, like them on Facebook, follow them on GooglePlus and Twitter, and subscribe to their YouTube channel here:



water, peak water, water scarcity, groundwater depletion, water contamination, water pollution, water privatization, water conservation, water filtration, hydroactivism



#water, #peakWater, #waterScarcity, #groundwaterDepletion, #waterContamination, #waterPollution, #waterPrivatization, #waterConservation, #waterFiltration, #hydroActivism



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