Market Research on Exoskeletons, Robotics, Bionics and Prosthesis for Human Automation and Control

APEX, N.C. - Sept. 9, 2014 - PRLog -- Market Research Report on Exoskeletons, Robotics, Bionics and Prosthesis for Human Automation and Control

Exoskeletons, Robotics, Bionics, Active Prosthesis, etc., are all technologies that allow for greater human automation and control. Recently, there have been significant advances and developments that give this industry potential breakout status in the next decade.  2013’s 50 million USD market is already estimated to grow over 25% in 2014, and projections to 2019 show a CAGR of 46.14%.  This market research report details the current and potential products, applications, and services for human automation and control, focusing on exoskeletons, active prosthesis, bionics and robotics for commercial, healthcare, military and industrial uses.  By detailing the market size, market share, and market forecast by application, product type, manufacturer, and geography, this report provides the information necessary to understand and take advantage of the opportunities that exist in the human automation and control industry.

Table of Contents

Exoskeletons, Robotics and Active Prosthesis Market Structure

  The Global Market for Human Automation and Control
  Major Players in the Industry
  Major Applications for Exoskeletons and Human Automation, Control
  Product Types and Categories
     Rehabilitation Robots
     Active Prosthesis
     Bionics for Human Automation and Control

Exoskeletons, Human Automation and Control Market Size
  Global Market Size for Exoskeletons, Human Automation and Control
  Market Size by Geographical Region
  Global Market Size by Product Type

Exoskeletons, Human Automation and Control Market Share
  Global Market Share by Manufacturer
  Market Share by Geography
  Global Market Share by Product Type
  Global Market Share by Application

Global Exoskeleton Market Forecasts and Projections
  Growth Forecasts for the Global Exoskeleton Industry
  Exoskeleton Market Forecasts to 2018
  Active Prosthesis Market Forecast to 2018
  Rehabilitation Robotics Market Forecast to 2018
  Bionics for Human Automation and Control Market Forecast to 2018

Exoskeletons, Human Automation and Control Market Trends and Analysis
  SWOT Analysis
  Competition and Competitive outlook
  Future Outlook for the Exoskeleton Industry
  Developments affecting the Exoskeleton market
  Product Development and Product Launches
  Exoskeleton, Human Robotics, and Active Prosthesis Applications
  Regulations & Government Policies
  Recent Advances and Market Potential
  Niches, Exploited and Untapped
  Economic Trends Affecting Human Automation and Control
  Potential Breakthroughs and Advances
  Key Case Studies

Geographical Breakdown of the Human Automation and Control Industry
  The Global Exoskeleton Industry
  The Exoskeleton and HAC Industry in the US
  The Exoskeleton and HAC Industry in the EU
  The Exoskeleton and HAC Industry in East Asia
  The Exoskeleton and HAC Industry Industry in ROW

Company Profiles
  Berkley Robotics
  Ekso Bionics
  Focal Meditech
  Instead Technologies
  Interactive Motion Technologies
  Parker Hannafin
  RU Robots
  Touch Bionics

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