David Fights Goliath, Using The Internet As His SlingshotBy: Sheri Goldberg Personal Solutions PR But a modern day “David” named Brian Alan Lane, tenured professor, author, attorney and screenwriter, has gone after a “Goliath” named King Alexander; President of California State University Long Beach, and his minions who are all imposters. Effective July 2013, Alexander will become President/Chancellor of the entire Louisiana State University System, a $3.3 billion enterprise. Yet, both his present and pending appointments were based upon fraudulent curricula vitae. To turn the tables on the imposters, Lane has used Alexander’s own weapons against him. By publishing a wildly popular “living novel” available only on the internet at http://thugthebook.blogspot.com/ THUG - The Book is the title of this uncompromising digital publication that has laid bare Alexander and the others, exposing false public filings, stolen funds, and tax fraud in venues ranging from Oxford (England) to Columbia University, Florida, Kentucky, Illinois, and California. Over 30,000 readers have already read and interacted with the first five installments in a little over one month’s time, averaging 500 new reads per day, and rising. Thug – The Book not only uncovers a problem with the vetting process of the California State and Louisiana State University systems, but it makes suspect the entire screening system in the United States. Lawsuits and legal actions now abound, while the story continues to evolve into one of the biggest financials scandals ever in public institutions and public education. Not unlike the Bernie Madoff matter, Enron, Allen Stanford, and Countrywide Financial, the criminality at the California State University and Louisiana State University systems stems from billions and billions of dollars of public money being passed along to managers who falsely vouch for each other, with no outside oversight. Until now. Thug – The Book is an exposure of the financial corruption of the American educational system and one man’s journey to bring justice to the students, taxpayers and educators who play by the rules. http://thugthebook.blogspot.com http://www.brianalanlane.com/ http://www.imdb.com/ http://www.brianalanlane.com Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End
Page Updated Last on: May 20, 2013 |