I Just Can't Stop ShakinMyHead(.com)

SMH Offers College Students an Outlet to Vent
May 6, 2011 - PRLog -- Have you ever seen someone doing or saying something that you just can not believe and all you can do afterward is shake your head? Well, now there is a site where you can share what you've experienced with the world.

Shakinmyhead.com is an interactive blog website where your story, as well as others, can be viewed and rated. Whether you want to vent about an act of stupidity you’ve witnessed, something outrageous you’ve overheard, or an instance of bad luck that happened to you, SMH is the place to be!

SMH offers a unique multi-user submission system, rating method, and other features that are sure to keep you entertained.  Not only will users be able to post ridiculous stories, but they will also have the option to attach a picture or video of the occurrence. Posts will be included in a number of different categories, and can be searched by area, city, or even school where the story took place.

To submit, users will not have to become members of the site, but it is suggested they do so. This is because once they become a SMH member there will be a number of contest and prize opportunities they will be eligible for.

Shakinmyhead.com was founded in March 2011 and is a place people can come to vent, interact, and laugh for hours.  Visit the site and we guarantee it will keep you Shakin’ Your Head.

If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Andrew Higgins (CEO), please call Kennard at (404) 218-8134 or e-mail him at OfficialSMH@gmail.com

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Shakinmyhead.com is an interactive blog website where users can share and rate funny stories or experiences.

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