What They Didn't Tell You When You Took The Keys.

You have finally found your dream home... or at least the home before your dream home. Either way, its a watershed moment. The day of closing is near and soon enough you'll take the keys to your new castle. But will these keys come to haunt you?
April 16, 2009 - PRLog -- All those weeks of searching and negotiating are about to end in a champagne popping moment as the sellers hand you over their keys.

You are proud.  It's a euphoric moment.  Those new keys represent a milestone, a new chapter in your personal book of life that you can't wait to get started on.

Through blood sweat and tears you have worked to provide for yourself and your family.  That toil has just paid off in the purchase of your new property.

But the question is, will you and your loved ones be safe in this new home?  The unfortuante reality is you won't.  Just imagine how many copies of those keys the sellers have given out over the years.

Relatives, contractors, virtually anyone with a key copy, would have a way into your house.

So you'll just change the locks, right?  Not so fast.  Your current locks and any new off the shelf locks you get are prone to key bumping.

What is key bumping?  It's the process by which someone uses a hammer or other object, and bumps a special key that can be bought for pennies on the dollar, to open your doors.

The encouraging news is that it can be beaten, and for a lot less money and time than you think.

New keyless bump proof locks from GoKeyless.com that do not have a keyway, or combination keypad locks that have a bump resistant cylinder, render key bumping useless.

Don't let another day go by without buying a new keyless bump proof lock.  Your personal property, and your family are worth it.

Watch a newscast about key bumping here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr23tpWX8lM&NR=1

Learn more/purchase bump proof security locks here - http://www.gokeyless.com/bumpproof.php

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Security matters. Using the 4000 year old lock and key approach simply doesn't cut it anymore. Demands on our time, and the increasing need for better security screams for a better way. See why keyless locks are revolutionizing everyday living.

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