One-of-a-Kind Costa Rica Vacation Rental Stays Green All Year

Eco-friendly resort uses recycled water for landscaping
By: Jason Lancaster
Feb. 23, 2009 - PRLog -- Although the Costa Rica vacation rental resort of El Verde Misterioso is located in the Guanacaste region, which is a very dry climate from December through April, this jungle property manages to stay green all year.

Today the resort announced the launch of its new Web site, After many visitors inquired about the meaning of the resort’s name, El Verde Misterioso issued this release to explain “the green mystery.”

When translated from Spanish to English, El Verde Misterioso means the green mystery. Four years ago when the Garth and Sandra Philbrick developed the Costa Rica vacation rental resort, they chose this name based on their eco-responsible water system.

“In our region, the rain slows down between December and April causing the grass to die and most of the trees to lose their leaves,” said Garth Philbrick. “Using a water reclamation system designed by Gipsy Kings Waste Water Treatment ( we are able to use recycled water to keep our landscaping green and lush.”

Built and maintained on site, the system accesses a spring fed well and a cistern for sources of clean potable water. Waster water is treated on-site using a carefully designed water reclamation system built to North American water treatment standards. The treated grey water is then used on the property for irrigation, ensuring a green season all year round.

The El Verde Misterioso resort is unlike large, sprawling chain resorts and hotels. The property contains 18 different vacation rental homes, hiking trails, a community pool, bar and rancho area. Although many of the vacation rental homes are owned by North American professionals, at any given time of the year guests from all over the world come to Coco Beach, Costa Rica, and stay at one of the vacation rentals at El Verde Misterioso.

The resort is located five-minutes from downtown Coco Beach and close to more than eight Pacific coast beaches. For those wanting to learn more about El Verde Misterioso, or for inquiries about Costa Rica vacation rental homes, visit

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El Verde Misterioso, when translated into English from Spanish, literally means the green mystery. On this five-acre resort there are 18 vacation homes, a pool, and multiple hiking trails. Owned and operated by Sandra and Garth Philbrick, a Canadian couple who developed El Verde Misterioso in Coco Beach, Costa Rica, four years ago, this lush and green property is often described as a little piece of paradise right in the midst of the jungle.

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