Impact of Obama’s Policies in India

“His general policy ideas are good for India. But when you go from the general to specifics, the bureaucrats take over. And that can be cause for worry." - Former Indian ambassador to the US, Naresh Chandra.
By: Sohndesmonds
Jan. 30, 2009 - PRLog -- “His general policy ideas are good for India. But when you go from the general to specifics, the bureaucrats take over. And that can be cause for worry." - Former Indian ambassador to the US, Naresh Chandra.

The Indo-Us think-tank group, that met on the night of January 20th identified four major areas of concern. They were,
1) The stance of India-US on the climate change
2) WTO negotiations
3) The disarmament issue, entailing the adoption of CTBT (Comprehansive Test Bant      
    Treaty) and FMCT (Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty)
4) Kashmir

Of which:

Obama is keen to bring down the climate change, as the States contributes one fourth of the world’s carbon emissions as of now. India as a fast developing country and a major oil consumer could be of much help in co-operating with the US in finding alternative sources of renewable energy. He also knows that the climate change issues cannot find long-term solutions without India’s cooperation.

The WTO negotiations are concerned with the role played by the investors on the country. And it is not clear yet, as the investors themselves are yet to be bailed out by the federal government and also it depends upon the foreign investment policies of both the countries. Not to forget the recent Satyam issue, which also has maintained to attract fworldwide attention in the wake of the FDI and the trade negotiations.

The US is also keen on enforcing the disarmament treaties. On a September 23 note extended to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ends by saying that one of Obama’s priorities would be to send the CTBT for ratification to the Senate. And if the US does it, then China would follow, leading to isolation of India and Pakistan on the issue. Thus Obama’s victory would mean pressure on India on the CTBT front. “India will be under enormous pressure to sign the CTBT," pointed out Manmohan Singh. India has to be soon prepared for that.

India has maintained its willingness to support the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) provided it is universal, non-discriminatory and verifiable. Nevertheless, India do have a problem without the strategic programme. For, India may not have enough fissile material for its minimal nuclear deterance. So there is an urgency to debate the FMCT.

Whereas, Kashmir got its place in Obama’s concern list, because of Pakistan’s vested interests toward Kabul and Kashmir. Kabul, the land of the Talibans and Kashmir the land of the Jihadis, both being supported by Pakistan. To neutralize Pakistan’s ambition/focus and gain India’s support towards US’s policies on Afganisthan, the Obama driven US is keen on participating in the Kashmir issue, so that India could lend some 1000 or more troops to be stationed at Kabul. But India politely declined saying both India and Pakistan are not ready to allow any third party mediation in the Kashmir issue as it is a strictly bilateral issue confined to only India and Paksitan, in particular. And India could not possibly change its policy towards Afganisthan. Obama’s concern over stability in south Asia also has opinions over India waging war on Pakistan prior to the Taj Terror Attacks, as it could disrupt the Civilian(?!) Government of Pakistan. Which again, could be over-ruled by India, any moment. And the world is eagerly watching the new office bearer, Ms.Hilary Rodham Clinton, the new Secretary for State, in anticipation.

Meanwhile, Obama’s views on outsourcing have captured the attention of the third world nations, including India. It is here, where Obama can create an impact on the nation’s economic stance. The global economic slumpdown and the MNCs following suit to one another in terms of downsizing or rightsizing as they may say, is still underway in recuperating the sliding economy of the world. This is in no way related with Obama’s policies, as it is to happen and thus happening. All Obama is left with is to tidy up the mess left by Bush’s administration.

Obama is left with no option but to start his treatment right from the Wall Street, bailing it out. The country’s foreign policy towards Iraq, Israel, Afganistan… are to be ratified. US has its own woes towards its energy consumption pattern and the growing concerns over unemployment and national security. We must also remember that the current global financial crisis has a "Made in USA" tag attached to it. Right now, what US needs is a shot in the arm at the current juncture. Moreover Barack Hussein Obama's policies are overplayed and the impact of his policies would be negligible for Asia. And as for India… it is upto India to take it, or to leave it.

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