Next Generation People Search, job search tool for the savvy job seeker

Between the current economic climate and the technological evolution of the Internet, traditional job seeking methods need to be coupled with online social media efforts and creativity to help land a job.
By: 123people
Jan. 28, 2009 - PRLog -- In today's job market, it is critical that you stand out from the crowd.  Job seekers need to be proactive in their search. Conducting people search – using online People Search sites, such as 123people, is a smart way to track and find contact information of potential employers and hiring managers., a high performance People Search site, finds and identifies people's information from publicly available sources across the Web. 123people offers job seekers a strategic approach to job hunting, scouring popular social networks such as LinkedIn, bebo and facebook, news sources, local directories and blogs, using 123people's innovative search service.

123people delivers real-time information that help users keep track of anyone they want to know more about. With search results that include: images, social networking profiles, email addresses, web links, biographies and blog listings, job seekers can utilize the information to reach out and network with the people who are hiring at the company they want to work for.  Most experts agree that networking is the best way to find a job. Building personal connections  through direct contact via email, twitter, or LinkedIn will increase the chances of getting the job you want.

According to leading personal brand expert, Dan Schawbel, '80% of job offers are received through networking.’

With over 2.5 million job losses in the U.S. job seekers need to be proactive and develop a new generation job search strategy to help land their next job, which should include reaching out and networking using the best resources across the web, in particular, People Search sites.

'Now is a good time to check your online presence via and clean it up before the potential HR managers review your resume' Says Russell Perry CEO of 123people.

123people is designed to fundamentally improve the quality of people search on the web. In addition to retrieving people information from globally accessible databases and social networks on the web, as well as searching country-specific websites, providing fast and comprehensive results.


   *123people combines people-related data into one easy to view page
   *User can tag search results and give them more relevance
   *Includes popular social media profiles (i.g. Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Xing, Friendster,   HiFive, FlickR, Bebo, Bloglines, Blogger, Zoominfo, LastFM,)
   *Instant Messenger profiles and Microblogs
   *Phone numbers and emails
   *News site
   *123people is available in English, French, Italian and German.

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About 123people

123people, ( serves up the preeminent experience in finding “everyone you (want to) know” by retrieving people information from hundreds of local and international sites on the web. Launched in 2007 by European-based Web 2.0 incubator i5invest, 123people offers the next generation of People Search.

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