, the new search engine created by James Wildish (16), is sending ripples across the web, the new search engine created by James Wildish a sixteen year old from the UK (Kent) is sending ripples across the web. Bringing back the life of the pixel grid, allowing advertisers to advertise on the homepage of a search engine.
By: Bekki Latter
Aug. 30, 2008 - PRLog -- The new search engine built by James Wildish the sixteen year old student is causing a few ripples across the internet. Since the UK Press first ran with the story and BBC and ITV featured him on television media attention has increased with users adopting the site as their preferred search engine.

The question is; can a sixteen year old school boy with a laptop in his bedroom offer any threat to Google with their billions? The obvious answer to this question is a resounding NO until you actually start to think it through; and then the idea of James actually making his mark starts to become just possible.

Within an hour of James appearing on television, an official Boogami Group had sprung up on Facebook supporting James and encouraging people to adopt his search engine. At one point it was gaining more new members than the wikipedia group. Discussions were taking place on Yahoo answers in Canada, Australia, South Africa and the States.

Amongst the thousands of emails of support, there were the usual malevolent dissenters sending poisonous messages and I would say to those amongst you who are ready to dismiss Boogami out of hand think about this:

When Google came along, Yahoo and many other search engines had control of the market and Google didn’t even have an income stream at that point. However, for some reason, which no one can really explain, people started to adopt Google and as the word spread, Google gained the upper hand.

James launched with an idea on how to make money and is busy building other advertising features into his search engine. More people are using it because they like the idea of a sixteen year old taking on Google and even since it’s official launch at the beginning of August 2008, he has already added other features. Watch out for more!
And before the jealous malcontents start to say it’s all been done before (pixel advertising/search engines etc) let me just say that this didn’t stop Google taking on Yahoo nor did it stop Henry Ford building cars. Business is about evolving and improving and if some of us aren’t prepared to have a go and take on the big boys we might just as well crawl away somewhere.

Are the guys at Google quaking in their boots? Not for one minute, they are probably hoping James comes up with something exceptional to give them something to think about and relieve the boredom.

As entrepreneurs we should all applaud James, adopt his search engine and buy some advertising, if Boogami takes off we could all ride in on the back of his success.

Since the release of boogami, James has added additional features. Being a free charity adverts page, giving away 4,000 pixel (40 Squares free), PPE (Pay Per Enquiry) like Pay Per Click, but only pay when a enquiry is made on your product or service, with the latest addition being Boogami Doorways, which allows anyone to create a website within minutes.

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A new search engine on the block, created by James WIldish, offering pixel advertising, on the homepage of a search engine, which also appears under all searches.

Create your own website online, Pay Per Enquiry, Free Charity Ads, Much More!

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