101 Ways To Fight Malaria

Malaria kills 3,000 children every single day and up to 3,000,000 people every year!
By: Sonicwave™ Media, LLC
May 2, 2008 - PRLog -- In honor of world malaria day, the makers of Save My Soul - Music to Prevent Malaria http://www.savemysoulcd.com has created a list of 101 ways to help fight malaria.  
Save My Soul is an album recorded live throughout Africa.  Proceeds from the album go to fighting malaria.

Entire list can be viewed at http://www.savemysoulcd.com/malaria/

  1. Avoid Mosquitoes! Mosquitoes carry malaria and when they sting, infect you with the disease.

  2. If possible, avoid living in or visiting areas at high risk for malaria

  3. If you are traveling, take preventative medications

     Lariam® and Malarone® are prescription drugs that can be used as prophylaxis. General a travelled will take the one of these drugs before, during, and after visiting to endemic areas.

  4. Use insect repellent with a DEET concentration of 35%-50%

     DEET was originally developed by the U.S. Army after World War II for wartime usage.
     DEET can be purchased for $5-$15 from most outdoor stores and online at websites such as REI.COM.
     The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that DEET does not present a significant health risk to consumers when used properly.When using DEET, the EPA advises the following:

        1. Read and follow all directions and precautions on this product label.
        2. Do not apply over cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
        3. Do not apply to hands or near eyes and mouth of young children.
        4. Do not allow young children to apply this product.
        5. Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin and/or clothing.
        6. Do not use under clothing.
        7. Avoid over-application of this product.
        8. After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.
        9. Wash treated clothing before wearing it again.
       10. Use of this product may cause skin reactions in rare cases. The following additional statements will appear on the labels of all
       11. aerosol and pump spray formulation labels:
       12. Do not spray in enclosed areas.
       13. To apply to face, spray on hands first and then rub on face. Do not spray directly onto face
           Source of list: EPA

  5. Wear long sleeve shirts and pants, preferably treated with permethrin,a synthetic chemical used as an insecticide

     Permethrin can be purchased from most outdoors supply stores and online in a spray form that can be applied to garmets.

  6. Sleep Under a Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Mosquito Net (LLITN)

     Bednets are one of the most cost effective ways to preventing malaria. These nets are constructed of mesh and allow people in high risk areas to sleep safely at night, when the risk of infection is highest. Bednets cost approximately $5-$10.
     Permanet® is one of several net manufacturers.

  7. Re-impregnate your mosquito net every 6 months with insecticdes
     Mosquito nets can be washed several times but eventually the insecticides are washed away.

  8. If you have a high fever, chills,  headache, nausea, fatigue, sweating, shaking, or vomitting, seek medical help immediately.   When someone becomes infected with malaria, it is an emergency that requires immediate hospitalization.

  9. If infected, consult with a physcian for medications

 11. Donate money to hospitals and increase healthcare standards

 12. Donate Money to help others purchase mosquito nets

 13. Drain stagnant water in areas prone to mosquitoes to prevent egg-laying.   Do not improperly dispose of tires, buckets, tanks, and other containers that may unintentionally become a reservoir for rain water.

 14. Use appropriate sanitation methods

 15. Employ vector control such as indoor residual spraying

     The World Health Organization recommends indoor use of DDT to control malaria. Typically the walls and indoor surfaces of a home are sprayed. Usually this technique kills mosquitoes after they have taken a blood meal. To be most effective, this technique should be used in all homes throughout the community.

 16. Start a Malaria Blog

 17. Participate in World Malaria Day (April 25)

     World Malaria Day was established and approved at the 60th World Health Assembly (WHA is the decision making body of the WHO) in March 2007. It replaces "Africa Malaria Day" which has been commemorated every year since 2001 on 25 April and will be celebrated from henceforth annually on the same day, in order to provide education and understanding of malaria as a global scourge that is preventable and a disease that is curable.

     Africa Malaria Day was a day that was set aside by African governments committed to rolling back malaria and meeting the United Nations malaria-related Millennium Development Goals. But now Member states of the World Health Organisation have agreed that greater awareness is needed. It is hoped that the establishment of World Malaria Day will mobilize communities across the world to get involved in the fight.

 18. Host a debate about malaria

     Organize a time, place, and topic to discuss the disease. Some possible topics are:

        1. Does the benefit of DDT outweigh the environmental costs?
        2. Should the United States spend tax payer money on preventing malaria in places like Africa?
        3. Should more money be spent on developing vaccines or buying bednets?

 19. Create a presentation and speak out about malaria

        1. Decide whether your speech should be informative or persuasive
        2. Keep your message simple
        3. Call your audience to action
        4. Create a PowerPoint with useful facts
        5. Join Toastmasters to practice the speech
        6. Print and hand out a copy of 101 Ways to Prevent Malaria
        7. Go out on the public speaking circuit
        8. Contact local clubs and organizations and offer to speak

 20. Swim Against Malaria

     Create a swimming event and join millions around the world who already raise money by swimming against malaria.

 21. Become an expert on malaria

 22. Become a doctor

 23. Become a nurse

 24. Study abroad and learn about the effects of malaria first hand

 25. Help end extreme poverty

 26. Use mosquito eating fish such as the guppy or gambusia

     Yes, even fish can help kill malaria carrying mosquitoes!

 27. Learn the history of malaria

     Malaria has been around forever and killed more people than any other disease. Find out more about the history.

 28. Create a map of malaria

Visit http://www.savemysoulcd.com/malaria/  to view the entire list

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved, Sonicwave Media, Sonicwave.com

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About Sonicwave™ Media, LLC:  Boutique production company in Los Angeles.   Sonicwave™ specializes in documentary production, internet content production,and professional photojournalism.   Save My Soul - Music to Prevent Malaria is an album produced by Sonicwave™ to help bring greater awareness to the dire need of humanitarian assistance to combat malaria in areas of extreme poverty.  Proceeds from the album will be directed towards fighting malaria.
Source:Sonicwave™ Media, LLC
Email:Contact Author
Zip:Beverly Hills
Tags:Malaria, Save My Soul, Music To Prevent Malaria, Music, Save Lives, Mosquito Net, Bednets
Industry:Disease, Africa
Location:Beverly Hills - California - United States

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