Magnetic Sponsoring: A Book Review

From Waiter to Millionaire in Less Than One Year using the techniques taught in this book.
By: Gary James
Feb. 11, 2008 - PRLog -- Mike Dillard, author of the book Magnetic Sponsoring, if nothing else is quite candid in his writing about what he believes it truly takes to become successful at network-Internet marketing. His apparent success (Waiter to millionaire in less than 12 months) became the fuel for what has made his Magnetic Sponsoring a Best Seller as sales of books about success in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) go.  

As a cautious advocate of the MLM industry I found Magnetic Sponsoring to be a refreshing read in that Dillard does away with most of the “Ra Ra” fat that is typically imparted by such authors. Similarly, the actual procedure(s) Dillard shares about what a “newbee” or a “yet to be” successful MLM entrepreneur needs to do to become more successful is also clear and to the point.

For example, Dillard shares that once he saw the Big Picture (Becoming more in order to have more) despite being Flat Broke at the time he still immersed himself in a pool of self improvement information…A concept that is in keeping with the founders of self improvement such as, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, etc.

Still, Dillard’s emphasis is on sharing how to use a generic system that would apply to any MLM’ers “Primary Opportunity” combined with what the Self Improvement founders could have only pondered in their dreams, namely “how to use the internet” as a routine part of the basic success system. Dillard expounds on how the power of the internet has forever changed…moreover, revolutionized how the business of MLM is conducted.

If there is a sub text in the book it is embodied in the following para phrase: “Every business takes hard work & planning. The internet makes it easier to auto-recruit but after that happens if you think you can build substantial residual income without building relationships with people & help them to do the same, then go back to your day Gig”.  

Another factor about the book I find mention worthy is Dillard has considered the legal angles when it comes to sharing how to create a Daily Method of Operation that anyone who follows his advice need adhere to. For example, Dillard’s generic system has an affiliate program attached to it, whereby, if you join and use the Magnetic Sponsoring system you have the opportunity to earn money sharing the “System” with others. (nothing new there) However, unlike the plethora of companies that market “marketing tools” or a “system” that pays several levels deep, Dillard’s affiliate plan pays well but only one level deep. This told me he is evidently sincere about helping his membership become more successful at their own “Primary Opportunity” as opposed to what most tool companies advocate.  

[That is, marketing the affiliate program itself which becomes the main means to an end when a prospect is initially enticed to join the affiliate to promote their Primary Opportunity. This aspect of "marketing tool" companies is something I find truly objectionable because it feels a bit like a “bait & switch”. Moreover, at best it leads a “Newbee” or “Yet to Be” successful person away from their Primary Opportunity. Worse yet, it splits their focus.] And Dillard’s book advocates this is something to avoid.

Personally, I recommend that everyone who is in the MLM industry read “Magnetic Sponsoring”. It comes with a money back guarantee.  As the man who went from Waiter to Millionaire in less than one year maintains, we all need to continually invest in as much self improvement information as we can because if we only learn one thing from each source, it is well worth the cumulative result in the end.

To learn more about Magnetic Sponsoring go to my special web page set up for that purpose.  

Be Well….Be Wealthy
Gary James

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Gary James is a writer, promoter, and currently the host for an internet radio talk show. Go to

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