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By Best Nutrition USA Dopamine is a neurotransmitter Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, Researcher, Physician Dopamine is made in your brain. It plays a role as a "reward center" and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more.
| By Best Nutrition Inc Best Ayurvedic Food Supplements : Worldwide demand and importance Nutrition Inc USA and Biotech Ayur, India Dr.Abhay Kumar Pati, CEO Best Nutrition.com We cannot get everything from the food we eat.
| By Best Nutrition Pati Dr.Abhay Kumar, An Ayurvedic Physician, Author, Industrialist
| By best nutrition LION MANE MUSHROOM By Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, D.Sc Scientist, Author, Entrepreneur, Physician, California, USA One of the fastest-rising supplement categories today is mushrooms.
| By Best Nutrition Liver Enzyme Supplements By Dr Abhay Kumar Pati, BAMS, D.Sc. An Ayurvedic Physician & Author Every day, millions of individuals are forced to deal with frustrating health problems like digestive discomfort, and fatigue MILKTHISTLE...
| By Best Nutrition Trikatu, An Important Ayurvedic Formula for Digestion, Gas, Bloating Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, BAMS, MASF, DSc.
| By best nutrition Ayurvedic medicine, By Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, Physician, Researcher, Entrepreneur, California, USA Ayurveda A 10,000, Yrs old medical Science, Charak was a Physician and Sushruta was a Surgeon in Ancient India, Who performed even plastic surgery .
| By Best Nutrition Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) An Ayurvedic herb for liver tonic Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, An Ayurvedic Physician, Author, Researcher Punarnava is an Ayurvedic Indian indigenous medicinal plant with a large number of therapeutic properties.
| By Best Nutrition What is Pippali? Dr. Abhay Kumar Pati, D.Sc, Ayurvedic Physician, Researcher, Author, Hayward, CA USA Pippali means "to drink and digest," hinting at its strength in supporting the digestive system and burning off toxins.
| By Best Nutrition Tamarind, what it is? Dr.Abhay Kumar Pati, D.Sc. An Ayurvedic Physician, Author and Researcher California, USA The tamarind tree is native to Asia and Africa, but it also grows in tropical climates around the world.
| By Best Nutrition Arthritis and Joint Pain, Dr.Abhay Kumar Pati, An Ayurvedic Physician, Researcher and formulator of supplements, Hayward, CA USA When a person becomes over 50, the synovial fluid dries up in all joints.
| By besnutrition.com Ayurvedic phyto chemicals are the best in bio-molecular botanical medicine Dr.
| By Best Nutrition Products Inc Tribute to LINUS PAULING NOBEL LAUREATE by Dr.Abhay Kumar Pati, An Ayurvedic Medicine Graduate, D.Sc (doctor in Science) An author of more than half a dozen books on natural functional food Hayward, CA USA Many times, I met Linus Pauling in between 1984..
| By Ayurvedic, biotech Subject: Boswellia or Shallaki, An Ayurvedic Herbal Home Remedy Dr.Abhay Kumar Pati.
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