By ProKNX SAS ProKNX announces the release of the Aragon Maestro smart speaker, steering the smart-home market into the next generation of AI-driven Personal Assistants
By ProKNX ProKNX and Future-Shape GmbH are pleased to announce their partnership to bring the Aragon smart speaker and innovative SensFloor® together to create an essential smart technology solution.
By ProKNX SAS ProKNX wird ab sofort keine Produkte mehr mit direkter Unterstützung für die Online-Sprachassistenten Alexa oder Google Assistant ausliefern. Grund sind Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes der Nutzer.
By ProKNX SAS ProKNX has announced that it will no longer be shipping its hardware with direct support for Alexa or Google Assistant online voice assistants due to concerns for user privacy.