| By Karol Lagodzki Debut novel by witness to martial law in Poland examines choices made in the crucible of a system bent on policing thought and controlling all facets of daily life.
 | By Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation Speaker: David Pepper, Lawyer, Writer, Political Activist, Former Elected Official and Adjunct Professor
 | By Energion Publications Calls for rational discourse to preserve democracy in America. Now Shipping!
 | By Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation Inspire Artistic Expression, Encourage Critical Thinking and Fundraise – Social engagement with #wddmty
 | By Veteran Joe Earley for Congress Today Veteran and Republican Congressional candidate Joe Earley (R-WV2) criticized Senator Joe Manchin for his comments claiming that President Donald Trump will "destroy democracy in America" if given a second term.
By The Village Studio The website metaculture is gone and now the Village Idiot Studio is launched.