Tried & Tested Lotil Gets Skin Through The Winter

Trying to select skin protection products for this winter could get very confusing with the profusion of new designer skincare lotions and potions that are available.
By: Lizzie
Sept. 13, 2010 - PRLog -- A range of baffling, expensive hi-tech formulations all promise amazing results in an instant – but how can you tell the ones that actually work from the ones that are just hype - and with the sky-high prices, can you really afford to take the chance?

A simple, no risk, cost-effective solution is to stick with a tried and tested skin care favourite like Lotil Cream. It’s been used by those in the know for years and with its fantastic preventative and curative properties, this cream really is a must have product with which to care for skin this winter. Its rich, deeply hydrating formula combined with anti-bacterial ingredients help to keep all areas of the body silky smooth. Lotil Cream is easily absorbed, delicately fragranced and available in three handy sizes for handbag, office and home. Lotil is your ‘no brainer’ winter beauty essential.

Available at Boots and all good pharmacies

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Brandnation is an integrated marketing, PR and communications agency based in central London, specialising in multi-dimensional creative brand campaigns across fashion, sport, lifestyle and beauty sectors.

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