Cambria to Offer Reduced-Scope Coaching

In response to the current economic environment, Cambria is offering economical executive coaching options to support leaders through change and accelerate their development.
By: George Klemp
May 20, 2009 - PRLog -- The economic environment has put a premium on both efficiency and immediate results. In response, Cambria Consulting is offering two new Reduced Scope Coaching options: Rapid Results and 360 Snapshot. These options provide leaders with coaching support on a shorter, more focused basis to achieve specific, defined objectives, and allow them to quickly leverage real-time development opportunities into business results.

We realize that many organizations need to delay longer-term talent development programs due to economic conditions. At the same time, most don’t want to slow down their leaders’ development momentum, especially as it affects how those leaders can impact current business results. In response, we have designed the following two concise, affordable programs to meet this need.

Rapid Results

This coaching option is for leaders who need to target a particular skill or behavior related to specific business outcomes, such as communication with a new team, creating a strategic plan, preparing for a presentation, demonstrating resiliency in response to change, or organizing themselves more effectively in a new position. The focus is specific, limited, brief (one to three months), intensive, and single-minded. The coach’s role is to assist the leader in clarifying a specific target objective, creating an action plan to practice and refine it, and, ultimately, to “close the gap.” At the conclusion, the leader is ready to move forward and deliver at a new, higher level – in a significantly accelerated timeframe.

360 Snapshot

When leaders need to quickly identify and move on critical priorities, this coaching option provides a focused opportunity for feedback from key stakeholders and a detailed action plan. Leaders take ownership of their action plan, ideally enlisting their managers for ongoing support. This option can be designed around an existing 360-degree instrument, an interview process with key stakeholders, or a blend of the two. The result is a well-thought-through action plan based on honest, specific feedback that leaders can immediately act on with business impact.

As your business shifts and reorganizes, Cambria can help you maximize all of your development investments. For more information on these and other leadership and executive coaching programs, contact Diana Sullivan (, Principal and Master Coach, at (415) 310-7221.

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About Cambria

Cambria Consulting, Inc. is a Boston-based human resource management consultancy recognized for its focus on selecting, managing, and developing talent. We design and implement workforce and leadership development, competency modeling, selection systems, executive coaching, individual and organizational assessment, program evaluation, and integrated e-HR applications.

For more information, visit or call (617) 523-7500.

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