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How to fix the photo in a shared linkedin post?

If you shared a press release on linkedin and the photo is distorted in the linkedin post, then following tips may help-
  1. If you've uploaded multiple photos to the press release, then the first photo will be shown.
  2. If you haven't uploaded any photos to the press release, but have uploaded a logo to your company profile, then your company profile logo will be shown.
  3. If you haven't uploaded a logo in your company profile, then PRLog logo will be shown.

Linkedin prefers a photo with width to height ratio of 2:1, that is, the width should be twice as much as height.

Before you delete the old linkedin post and re-share the press release, after making changes to your logo or photos, you can preview how the re-share will look like by following the instructions below-
  1. Go to
  2. Copy the press release url, paste it in the Inspect field, and click on Inspect button.
  3. If you still see the old photo, then add ?nored=1 at the end of the press release url and click on Inspect. For example, if the press release url is-
    Then the new url would be-
  4. If you don't like the photo in the linkedin post, then after uploading new logo/photos to the press release, change ?nored=1 to ?nored=2 and click on Inspect.
  5. Every time you change the logo or photos, increment the number after ?nored= and click on Inspect.
Once you are satisfied with the results, copy the full url from the Inspect field and use it in your linkedin post.

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