Did Jesus Need Reassurance? Craig Hill

Have you ever considered what life may have been like for Jesus as a child or young man? Although He was God, we must remember that He was also completely human.
LITTLETON, Colo. - Jan. 21, 2014 - PRLog -- Power of a Parent’s Blessing

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Bar Barakah: A Parent’s Guide to a Christian Bar Mitzvah

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Excerpt from Craig Hill’s Blog “Did Jesus Need Reassurance” published on November 12, 2013.

Have you ever considered what life may have been like for Jesus as a child or young man? (http://www.familyfoundations.com/2013/11/did-jesus-need-reassurance/) Although He was God, we must remember that He was also completely human. In fact, He experienced the same temptations we do. It’s part of what qualified Him to become a merciful and faithful High Priest (Hebrews 2:18).

It’s not recorded in the Bible, but Mary most certainly told Jesus of His divine conception, perhaps many times. And we know that He studied the scriptures because at 12 years old He astonished the teachers in the temple with His understanding and answers (Luke 3:46-47).

We don’t know when, but at some point Jesus must have began to entertain the thought that He actually was God in the flesh. But other than Mary, who could Jesus go to for counsel? Can you imagine Him going to the Rabbi? “Excuse me Rabbi, but I have had some strange thoughts recently. I think I’m God, what do you think?”

I believe that in His humanity Jesus experienced the same type of insecurities and fears that we do. And before His ministry could begin He needed the reassurance of His identity that only the spoken blessing of His Father could give. Luke 3:22 says this,

“And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”

Isn’t it interesting, immediately after He received this confirmation the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil? And what form did those temptations take? His identity was challenged. “If you are the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:1-10). That’s the same old tactic the devil uses today; he challenges our identity and destiny as sons and daughters of God.

If Jesus needed to hear these words from His Father, then perhaps we should also consider the importance of a father’s blessing. I have written about this at length in my book, The Power of a Parent’s Blessing (https://www.familyfoundations-store.com/index.php?page=sh...) and also in Bar Barakah: A Parent’s Guide to a Christian Bar Mitzvah (https://www.familyfoundations-store.com/index.php?page=sh...).

About the Books

Few parents understand that God created them to be His agent of blessing and His messenger of identity and destiny to their children. (https://www.familyfoundations-store.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage-ask.tpl&product_id=185&category_id=16&keyword=power&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=108)

Craig's book will touch your heart as you learn why, when, and how to release this blessing and help your children fulfill their destiny. It is a must read for every parent and grandparent. The good news, whether your child is 5 or 55, it's never too late.

Bar Barakah means in the Hebrew language (https://www.familyfoundations-store.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=16&flypage=flypage-ask.tpl&product_id=105&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=108) "Son of the Blessing." Parents the world over are rediscovering the need to bless their children at the time of puberty and release them into adulthood. For centuries, Jewish parents have done so through a bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony. This is a practical "how to" guide for Christian parents seeking to similarly release their children into God’s image of adult identity and destiny.

Pastor Craig Hill and his wife, Jan, live near Denver, Colorado, USA. Craig and Jan give senior leadership to Family Foundations International (FFI). (http://familyfoundation.com) FFI is a non-profit Christian ministry through which life-changing seminars are conducted in many nations of the world. Craig has written several books, including his best seller, The Ancient Paths

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