The Hurdle of UK Spouse Visa - Immigration Solicitors Kadmos Consultants offer free consultations

UK Spouse visa rules for spouses and unmarried partners of British citizens have become excessively complex after the law changed in July 2012. Immigration solicitors Kadmos Consultants will be opening free telephone advice line each Tuesday in May between 10:30 and 13:00.
Helena Sheizon
Helena Sheizon
WEMBLEY, U.K. - May 3, 2013 - PRLog -- Kadmos Consultants, a London based firm of immigration lawyers, are opening a free telephone advice line for applicants for UK spouse visa or unmarried partner visa.  

The Immigration Rules related to UK spouse visa changed dramatically in July 2012 when minimum maintenance requirements were introduced together with a rigid set of rules on supporting evidence. The hardest is the burden on returning British expats who can only rely on their earning outside the UK if they have a job offer lined up on their return. Those who are returning to the UK without an open offer of employment have to demonstrate substantial savings, often in the region of £62,000 and above.

Maintenance requirements become particularly complex where reliance is placed on self-employed income, or a combination of income from various sources – dividends, rent, interest on investment, earnings, cash savings.

In addition to maintenance requirements, the non-British spouse has to demonstrate sufficient level of English and has to pass a language test with a recognised test provider in listening and speaking to A1 level.

The couple also have to be aware of the so called “eligibility requirements” which catch those who have bad immigration history, criminal offences, or whose exclusion from the UK might be considered conducive to the public good.

Applicants from some countries also need to pass medical screening for tuberculosis.

The spouse or the unmarried partner who is unable to meet the maintenance requirement can initially come to the UK on a visitor’s visa and then return back to the country of origin in order to apply for the spouse visa. The difficulty of this route is that the Entry Clearance office may not be too happy to grant visitor’s visa to someone who does not have sufficiently strong ties with the country of origin and may not wish to leave the UK on completion of the visit. Since the right of appeal against refusal of visitor’s visa will be abolished from 25 June 2013, and the appeal against refusal of spouse visa is a lengthy and complicated process, it is best to plan your relocation to the UK from the start and where possible address the requirements of the immigration rules before you apply for a visa.
Kadmos Consultants, a leading set of immigration lawyers based in London, are uniquely placed to assist in this process. The firm has an impressive track record of success and accepts referrals of the more complex and demanding cases, including immigration appeals and applications outside the immigration rules.


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