International conference on Emerging Markets in London: great opportunity to learn and network

The aim of the conference is to provide a platform and promote collaborations and connections between academic and corporate participants from different fields of management.
May 9, 2012 - PRLog -- The international conference on emerging markets on 17th and 18th May 2012 in London, will bring together practitioners, academics and policy makers from more than 30 countries across the world. The conference shall explore the issues relating to the pressing need for adapting the old and developing new management models for ensuring success in emerging markets.

Organized by the International Management Research Academy (IMRA), a global academy dedicated to the continuous and effective development of management theory and practice, the conference will focus on the new dynamism required to managing successful and sustainable organizations in the ever-changing and rapidly growing emerging markets.

Dr. Jatin Pancholi, teaching in MBA at the Middlesex University and the conference co-chair says, “since centuries, it has been perceived that, the western world is at the forefront of innovative theories and practices in management. However, last two decades have evidently demonstrated that now it is no more the hegemony of the developed world in contributing towards management art and science.” From his personal experiences of emerging markets, he points out that the existing models and frameworks developed in Western markets fall short at times when directly imported in emerging markets.

The same view also resonates when talking with the other conference co-chair Dr. Paurav Shukla, a management consultant and an academic with global experience. He says that “the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and other Eastern European countries are now emerging as sunrise economies and are offering new dynamics of management. Be it grassroots level technologies or socio-economic development, the emerging markets are certainly presenting the new world economic order.”

The conference involves a visionary key note speaker in Michael Aldrich, who is associated as the inventor of online shopping. Aside from his inventions and innovations, he has also served as an IT adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, IT adviser to the Confederation of British Industry, President of the Institute of Information Scientists, and Chairman of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Michael has also been nominated by the UK Intellectual Property Office as one of the top British Visionary Innovator.

The other key speakers include Ben Bose - founder of Mavens of London, Louis Turner – CEO of Asia-Pacific Technology Network, Prof. Phani Tej Adidam – University of Nebraska at Omaha, Prof. Phil Nichols – The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Ernie Stark - Logikos and Experientia among others.

“The exciting things about the conference is that it will for the first time bring together many management experts from more than 30 countries who daily grapple with developing and managing successful operations in emerging markets,” says Dr. Shukla.  In this regard, “the conference will be an important milestone and act as a collaborative catalyst for practitioners, academics and policy makers to interact in a meaningful discussion with each other on a single platform” chimes Dr. Pancholi.

The International Conference on Emerging Markets will be held May 17-18 at the Royal National Hotel, Russell Square, Bedford Way, London WC1H 0DG,  United Kingdom, Sponsored by the International Management Research Academy (IMRA).  More details are available on the website  Photos of key speakers can be obtained by emailing

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