Louisiana lawmaker wants to ban herbal medicine

Senators Crowe is planning to add a widely used herb to the list of controlled substances. If the Senator plans are accepted, possession of Kratom, a popular medical herb, used by thousand of people in the US, will become a crime.
By: Chairman KA
Feb. 22, 2012 - PRLog -- Senator A.G. Crowe of R-Pearl River, Louisiana is planning to add Kratom to the list of controlled dangerous substances. If the Senator plans are accepted, possession of Kratom, generally described as an useful and safe herb and used by thousand of people in the US, would become a crime.

Shocked by this initiative, the Kratom Association (KA), a group of kratom users and seller combined, immediately started a petition a few days ago, hundreds of kratom users have already come forward to sign the petition at http://www.change.org/petitions/senator-ag-crowe-of-r-pearl-river-louisiana-do-not-add-kratom-to-the-banned-substances-list .

The Senator and the juridical committee have received numerous emails from concerned kratom users, who are afraid that their popular herb will not longer be legal.

The proposal to ban kratom, seems to be based on some misunderstandings.
Kratom is, just as many other herbs, not a dangerous substance nor is it a narcotic. The mild effects it can offer can be described as analgesic, relaxing and energizing or uplifting, just like a good cup of tea or coffee. It has been traditionally used for thousands of years, during which time there have been no real reports of any untoward effects from this herb at all.

The Senator's assertion that Kratom is being somehow abused is entirely erroneous and is based on a misconception. Kratom is not at all popular with minors (who prefer already illegal and much less subtle substances) and the users are in fact mainly middle-aged and well-educated folks who tend to use it as a gentle but beneficial assist to deal with depression, anxiety, pain, addiction or other ailments.

An overview of personal testimonials from user can be found on the website of the KA,
http://kratomassociation.org/publications/kratom-testimon... and next to the petition against the Senators plans, here http://www.change.org/petitions/senator-ag-crowe-of-r-pea...

Reading through these testimonials from kratom users, one can notice that these people are anything but thrill-seeking teenagers. Real teenagers will not regard this natural herbal leaf material as something “cool". Although the Senator seems to think that kratom is something similar as the latest designer drugs, like the "bathsalts".

In Massachusetts, 2007, a bill similar bill was proposed in an effort outlaw various dangerous substances, in a misunderstanding, included Kratom as well. The bill moved forward, however, Kratom was notably removed from the bill. According to Rep. Vinny DeMacedo, R-Plymouth: "There was not a lot of support for, it.. [Kratom] was removed so we could move forward." Notably, several doctors and other learned persons specifically protested the wrongful attempted inclusion of Kratom in the bill.

Representatives proposing the bill, that time, decided it wasn't worth criminalizing Kratom. It is widely recognized as a legitimate herbal remedy and was not causing any problems as evidenced by law enforcement and/or poison control center reports , so it would be pointless to outlaw it. It would have been like trying to criminalize Chamomile, Kava, Valerian, or any number of other benign herbs.

Senator Crowe also ignores the fact that a ban can quickly become counterproductive, since it would surely attract additional attention to the plant as people seek what they "can't have" and become convinced that if it is to be banned, then it must be desirable and/or effective for their needs. Kratom would become the "forbidden fruit" and an enormous amount of awareness and interest in obtaining this currently relatively obscure herb would quickly develop.

In addition, it cannot be ignored that many folks are truly helped by use of this herb, from former alcoholics and opiate addicts to people suffering from chronic pain, depressions, anxiety and so on, who are rightfully afraid to use the potentially harmful and addictive pain medications which cause such obvious problems in modern society.

It surely cannot be the Senator’s intention to intentionally take away a useful remedy from these people, especially those that need it the most. A remedy that has no law enforcement reports, no poison control center reports, and really no evidence at all of being harmful in any way, shape, or form. A remedy that has, as a matter of fact, saved quite a few people from the usage/abuse of harmful and addictive prescribed pharmaceutical narcotics.

Besides this, regardless of the thousands of years traditional usage in Asia, research on this herb and its beneficial properties has only recently started in the Western world. We already know, due to thousands of years of traditional use that the herb is not harmful. A possible ban would close the door for further important research on an herb which all existing evidence shows to be not only not a problem, but further shows to be a very good natural alternative for pain management and overcoming addiction to other substances that are well documented to be harmful.

If Senator Crowe does not reconsider and withdraw his initial notion, Louisiana would be the first and only state to ban and criminalize the use of Kratom. The great state of Louisiana should certainly not be an example of reactionary banning of an herb which all existing evidence shows to be a harmless and, in fact, harm-reducing (with it's anti-addiction properties) herb.

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Kratom Association is a group of kratom users, producers and sellers combined.
See http://kratomassociation.org/ for more information.
Source:Chairman KA
Email:***@yahoo.com Email Verified
Tags:Kratom, Legal, Louisiana, Senator Crowe
Location:Elmont - New York - United States
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