Send in the (Bio) Marines: How Seaweed Can Save Your Skin

Seaweed is about the best thing going for your skin. The ancients knew it; and now science is proving it.
July 17, 2011 - PRLog -- You know the scenario: marauding hordes of foreign invaders out to conquer and pillage.  A small band of brave defenders dig in to stand in their way, putting up a desperate, but brilliant effort to throw back the overwhelming attack on their homeland.

Sound like the plotline to 300? Not so fast. We’re talking about an even more epic battle: Your Skin vs. The World. Or more specifically, your body’s constant battle to beat back pollution, stress and aging.  The air we breath, additives in the food we eat, the horrible boss at your would-be dream job - all of these factors are like a constant barrage on our delicate dermis. What’s a woman-warrior to do? Cucumbers on the eyes aren’t going cut it. Although, that’s definitely the right direction.  What you need is a super secret smart weapon to give your face a fighting chance.

Time to send in the Marines.

Not - The Few. The Proud. The Brave. What you really need is - The Plentiful. The Green. The Wave. You know, that stuff gently undulating just beneath the surface of two-thirds of our planet and residing in the Kingdom of Protista - seaweed. It does a body good. Literally.

The Spartans (when they weren’t fighting) bathed in seaweed for better health. Less than 100 years ago in Ireland, whole seaside towns sprung up around seaweed bath houses.  Today they’re making a comeback, because modern science has finally confirmed what the ancients already knew: that seaweed is a veritable storehouse of minerals, nutrients and restorative trace elements.

While it grows wild, seaweed isn’t a weed; it’s algae, actually. The numerous varieties of red and green algae are spectacular for your health, but it’s laminaria, or brown seaweed that is all the rage for your skin. This sea vegetable’s high concentration of manganese, zinc and copper stimulates collagen synthesis - the generation of new skin cells. The iodine stored inside seaweed is known for its fat burning properties. And you don’t have to eat your vegetables to get all the beauty benefits. Studies have proven that seaweed, when it comes in contact with your body, actually penetrates beneath the skin surface, getting all that good stuff into your system for maximum benefit. That’s the “whole-istic” rap behind all those seaweed wraps!

What kind of beauty benefits can you expect from all that wacky weed? Seaweed is sort of like antihistamine for your face. The decongesting effect of high levels of calcium and magnesium increase circulation within the tiny capillaries in your skin. The increased blood flow rushes much needed nutrients to the skin surface and washes away nasty toxins that cause skin inflammation. The result is an increase in healthy, well-fed skin cells, making your face appear firmer, more radiant and supple.

But you don’t have to go scuba diving or swim to the spa every time you want the benefits of seaweed.  Cutting edge companies like Spa Technologies have created fabulous organic skin products whelped directly from the ‘weed. ST’s Revitalizing Sea Cleanse uses three different varieties of organic seaweed to decongest your skin and leave your face feeling soft and fresh as a Summer sea breeze.

Spa Technologies anti aging skin treatment is available now at “skin scholar” Ettia Tal’s Beauty Beyond Skin Deep at prices that won’t put you underwater.  You can Facebook Ettia for a personalized skin care consultation. So come about and steam full-speed ahead for better skin. That’s an order!

Visit today!

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