Advanced Security Technology by QuikStor

There are several security categories that each self storage facility should review and understand. Below we explore three: access control, video surveillance, and unit alarms.
By: QuikStor
July 28, 2010 - PRLog -- When a self storage facility uses three key security categories in combination with their QuikStor software, it not only offers a robust security solution for tenants, but also creates a great marketing benefit for the site. Who wouldn’t prefer to store their precious belongings at a facility that was protected like Fort Knox? This article examines each of these security solutions and highlights how their integration with software will improve your security as well as help you increase revenue and occupancy.

Access Control
Let’s begin with the security that every site will need to get started: access control. Whether you have a facility with 20 units or 2,000 units, you need to protect the belongings in those units with some form of perimeter security. The most common form of perimeter security is fencing around the facility, combined with a gate or two controlled by a keypad system. Multi-story sites with elevators also use similar keypads to restrict access to upper floors to assure that only tenants with a unit on that floor are allowed access. Along those same lines, access doors into the first floor or single-story buildings can enjoy the same protection by having a keypad control and electronic door lock.

The early days of keypad systems were simple—no bells or whistles. They “opened the gate,” and there certainly wasn’t any integration between the keypad system and the management software, which could lead to double-entry and human error. So what’s new in the world of access control? First, many keypads now have so many features that the actual access-control keypad part of it is really secondary. Here’s a short list of additional features that can be added to keypads:

Pinhole cameras
These small, covert color cameras allow you to capture a close-up image of every person that enters a code on the keypad.

An intercom speaker allows easy two-way communication between a tenant or prospect who may have a quick question or just wants to say hello to the manager. This is a great option when inclement weather dissuades people from getting out of their cars to enter the office.

Nothing is more annoying than when the gate isn’t opening and the only feedback you have is a little blinking red light. Most vendors have some form of backlit display that provides instant feedback about a tenant’s rent status, delinquency, time allowed on site, etc. Some of the higher-end security vendors make this standard equipment on all keypads.

Card reader
For whatever reason, some people just can’t remember a gate code, so the card reader becomes a viable alternative or complement to the traditional gate code. A good card-reader system will read any card with a magnetic stripe so you aren’t beholden to your security company for replacement cards. This includes credit cards, driver licenses, library cards, etc. Of course, you can also have site-specific cards with your logo and information on them, but that’s not recommended in case one is lost by a tenant. However, access control is only half of what a card reader can do. What if you could collect your rent right at your keypad? A few security vendors have the ability to tightly integrate between their management software and keypad system to allow for credit card transactions that will help you instantaneously collect delinquent rent even when the office is closed.

Proximity reader
This is a variation to the card reader, but instead of physically sliding the card into a slot, you only need to pass the card near the keypad. Some systems even have longer range proximity readers that will allow you to keep your card in the car and simply pulling up to the gate will identify who you are and open the gate.

Biometric reader
This technology allows the manager to scan the fingerprint of the tenant in the office, than only that tenant is allowed access. Though a promising technology, and certainly a cool gadget, biometric has not yet shown reliable results in practice. Expect to see this technology perfected in the coming years, but until then lean toward the other, more proven, technologies above.

Unit Alarms
Once you have your access-control system in place, the next logical step would be to explore wireless door alarms to monitor your individual units. The way most wireless alarm systems work is you have a sensor that mounts on the outside door frame and a magnet that mounts directly to the door. The best systems have various measures in place to prevent tampering and theft, and provide resilient weather and vandal protection. Having the sensor located on the exterior of the units serves two purposes. First, it provides a wonderful visual deterrent. Second, you can easily install them at any time—during construction or as a retrofit upgrade—to help you compete in an increasingly crowded market.

Wireless alarms work very closely with your access-control system and the various software packages in the office. Though most vendors offer these systems in a modular fashion, there is no denying that having all of these components working in unison adds real value to the facility and to the secure feeling your tenants will have. When you enter your code at the gate keypad it immediately informs the system that the unit associated with that gate code is authorized to be opened. That information is not only logged in the system for reporting purposes, but it can also be displayed directly onto the main screen of most integrated management software programs, as well as update the digital layout (3-D or 2-D) software that many facilities also have displayed inside their offices.
Alarming individual units has never been easier or more affordable. Like most technologies, the cost continues to decrease even though the product continues to improve. That means in most cases you can get a wireless door sensor with amazing technology that prevents false alarming and comes with batteries guaranteed for 10 years or more, all at a price that was unheard of five years ago. When you compare the improvements to wireless technology against the ever-increasing costs of copper wiring, the choice is simple on which technology you should choose for your modern facility.

Digital Video Surveillance
The last major security system that every site should have is digital video surveillance. The ability to clearly see what is happening around your facility is priceless, and with the technology available today there is no reason why a site on the tightest budget couldn’t have some form of digital video surveillance.

The heart of your video system is a digital video recorder (DVR). This unit, similar to your TiVo or cable-TV recorder, digitally records the video captured by the cameras around the facility. The average hard-drive size these days is around 500GB, which should give the typical site at least a month of recording time depending on the number of cameras and frequency of activity. Instead of old VHS tapes to record and transfer events, you simply do a quick search by camera, time, date or a combination of these, and copy the event onto a CD, DVD or external USB flash drive. It really is that easy.

The other technological leap the DVR provides is the ability to remotely access your video system from anywhere in the world. Almost all DVRs available today have some form of remote access that can be accessed via the Internet using an IP address and username/password, or by using a more full-featured remote software program that allows you to do more advanced functions such as review and transfer recorded video, control Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras, etc.

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QuikStor has been the industry leader in software and security solutions for the self storage industry since 1987. QuikStor offers management software, web-based corporate reports and call centers, and sells more wireless protection then all of their competitors combined.

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