San Mateo Dental Implants

Dr. Bohannan at San Mateo Dental offers the full scope of oral rehabilitation utilizing dental implants. He incorporates the latest imaging techniques to provide superior outcomes.
March 22, 2009 - PRLog -- San Mateo Dental is an informational site dedicated to the education of people looking to discover facts about dental implant surgery.  Dr. Bohannan has been providing dental implants services for over a decade and incorporates the latest in technology to provide superior outcomes.  

With the use of specialized computed tomography (CAT scan) called conebeam x-rays, a very focused and radiation sparing image is obtained of the patient's condition and oral architecture.  The image is then recreated in three dimensions for surgical visualization and planning.  This allows the surgeon to actually peek inside the tissues and look at the bony foundation that will support the dental implants.  From there, the surgeon can plan bone grafting if needed and plan the exact placement of the dental implants for optimum use.  Additionally, the adjacent anatomy is seen and the treatment plan can be adjusted to avoid important structures.  The major structures are lower jaw's inferior alveolar nerve (supplies feeling to the lip and chin) and maxillary sinus.  These are occasionally injured during implant placement that was not properly planned.  

To ensure accuracy, in some cases, a model can be created from the conebeam study.  From there the surgical plan and implant placement depth and angulation is recorded.  A guide is then milled by a computer and is used at the time of surgery to accurately place the implants in the patient at the correct depth and angulation avoiding adjacent vital anatomy.  The final outcome replicates the same plan that was created on the computer.  

At San Mateo Dental Implants, bone grafting and dental implant placement is also assisted with Piezosurgery.  This is a technology that employs ultrasound.  By using specific ultrasound frequency vibration, hard tissues like bone will be cut, but as the cutting instrument leaves the hard tissue and begins to impinge on surrounding soft tissues, the instrument spares the soft tissues.  It is similar to the oscillating blade that is used to cut off casts.  It will cut the firm rigid plaster or fiberglass of the cast, but as it goes through the cast and lining and touches the skin, it doesn't cut or abrade the soft tissues.  As such, this instrument provides an additional layer of safety for patients.

At San Mateo Dental Implants, the latest and the most practical cutting edge technologies are employed to better ensure optimal outcomes, lower risk for patients and positive patient experiences.  For more information, visit

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Dr. Bohannan provides comprehensive oral and maxillofacial surgery services to the community. He is a board certified surgeon, specializing in the reconstruction of the mouth and oral cavity using dental implants for rehabilitation.

For more information, please see

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