New Method for Painting a Baby Nursery or Kids Room Mural

Parents who want to decorate their baby nursery our kids room now have more options. A designer from Chattanooga, Tennessee has developed a way for parents to paint adorable murals over a weekend.
By: Michael Goins
Dec. 3, 2008 - PRLog -- So many parents would love to paint a splendid nursery for their child but are intimidated by their lack of artistic talent. Michael Goins, designer and owner of set out to solve this problem. He created several large sets of stencil kits for baby nurseries and kids rooms. Themes include flower, transportation and farm.  The designs you will find at are a mixture of whimsical and trendy. Each decorating kit contains 30 or more large stencils and will easily fill all the walls of the room. Another unique feature of this product is the self adhesive feature. The challenge with most stencils,” comments Michael, “is that a toxic spray adhesive is required to avoid leaks. This poses a problem for pregnant women wanting to decorate the baby nursery. Our self-adhesive stencil system eliminates this problem, allowing soon-to-be moms to get in on the fun. Just peel, stick, paint and remove.” With the stencil kits from, it is easy for anyone to paint a mural over a weekend.  For more information about this product line, visit

# # # offers tools and techniques for painting baby nurseries and kids wall murals. Our decorating kits feature dozens of large stencils designed to work together as a theme. The stencils are self adhesive and easy to use.
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