Why I Am Voting For Hillary...

A psychic medium gives her psychic impressions of the Democratic political candidates.
By: Dawn Carr, C.Ht.
Feb. 19, 2008 - PRLog -- Lately, many people have been asking me which presidential candidate I support.  Since I am a psychic medium, people want to know if there is any spiritual insight or psychic impressions into my presidential choice.  Well, since I consider myself a Democrat, I will give you my take on the top three Democratic candidates that have recently been running for office of the president of the United States.

Let me begin by stating that I like all three of the top Democrats: John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  I feel that each one has something to offer the American people and that a change is truly needed to bring our country back around to the democracy that it was originally intended to be.  Having said that, let me review the candidates and give you my psychic impressions of their leadership abilities in relation to being our next president.

John Edwards is a likeable person who truly has compassion for the working class people in our society.  I feel like he really wants to make a difference by giving everyone hope for their own future and our collective future as a country.  When I "tune in" to his energy, I feel like he gets tired of having to state his case over and over again.  Perhaps if he had some fresh ideas and new methods of getting his point across, he would have had a better chance of succeeding with the presidency.  Don't discount this man's potential in the future of our country, however.  He has a lot to offer and given the right set of circumstances, would really be an asset for bringing people together.

Barack Obama is certainly fresh with his approach and full of new ideas and charisma.  He has definitely lit a fire under people who have been complacent for far too long.  The American people like him because he is new and wants to shake up the current leadership with ideas of bringing the country together and ending the war.  When I "tune in" to him, I feel his high energy and his desire to prove to people that he can actually implement everything that he talks about in his speeches.  In that sense, his intentions are admirable.  The main issue that I get from him is that in truth, he doesn't know how to implement his ideas.  I'm not sure if this is his lack of experience or just not knowing the right people to connect with in Washington.  Either way, I don't feel like he is as successful as he would like to be.  Honestly, it's kind of like a dog chasing his own tale: He wants to make good on his campaign promises, but he ends up going around in circles because he doesn't know how to put those ideas into motion.  Again, this man has great leadership qualities and will definitely do some good for our country, but I don't feel like he is truly ready to take on a position like the presidency yet.  Perhaps when he has become a more seasoned politician, he will be a stronger leader that can truly unify the people of our country.  Until then, I'm voting for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary and the other democrats are all pretty much saying the same things - that is, when they are speaking with positive energy.  They all want to bring our country together, improve the economy and get our troops home in a timely manner.  Perhaps this is why I like all of the candidates: They all truly want the same things for our country.  When I "tune in" to Hillary, I feel like she has the patience that is needed to implement the fresh ideas that our country hasn't seen in almost eight years.  The biggest thing that is swaying me with Hillary is that she knows who to call to get the job done, and I'm not just talking about Bill.  When I'm tuning into her energy, I see that she has contacts that the other candidates don't have access to and that her experience in Washington definitely gives her the edge.  They show me that Hillary is familiar with enough established people that can help initiate her ideas into reality.  I don't feel like that is necessarily true with the other candidates.  When given the choice as to who can bring this country back from the brink, I choose Hillary.

I hope you all consider your options when choosing the next president of our country.  I've given you my own take on this subject because I've been asked on several occasions to give my psychic impressions of each Democratic candidate.  Remember, the presidency is a four year stint - not just a two hour campaign speech.  I hope you choose wisely.

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Dawn Carr, C.Ht. is an international psychic medium, certified hypnotherapist, author and intuitive consultant.

Website: www.AngelsOfDawn.net

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