New podcast aims to destigmatize mental health, promote work-life integration

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. - March 30, 2022 - PRLog -- A new podcast has hit the airwaves in Huntington and beyond.

The Wholeheartedly Podcast helps "emotional sponges" – also known as Highly Sensitive People or empaths – absorb understanding, acceptance, and joy while navigating work and life. The show is hosted by Kaylin Staten, CEO and Founder of Hourglass Media, writer and PR practitioner.

"As a professional communicator, I have always loved telling stories," Staten said. "While it can be intimidating and frightening to tell such personal stories, I was driven to create this podcast to help others. It can be lonely as an emotional sponge sometimes. You're so busy taking on other people's emotions and problems that you don't always take care of yourself in your personal and professional lives. I want to destigmatize what it means to be an empathic person and focus on the innate gifts we have as Highly Sensitive People. I also want to break the carefully created and curated mask that has hidden the true me for years by showing the ups and downs of life while being true to my most authentic self. I don't have all of the answers, but I do hope to shed light on topics that mean a lot to me and others."

The first episode, released on March 25, is available now on Anchor, Spotify and other podcast platforms. It centers on the definition of "emotional sponge" and what it means to live wholeheartedly. Episodes are available on a biweekly basis on Fridays. Staten will also include bonus episodes and other content throughout season one.

The Wholeheartedly Podcast will address topics like therapy, achievement addiction, trauma, grief, pregnancy and infant loss, parenting, interpersonal relationships and more. At its core, the podcast aims to help listeners feel less alone while on their own mental health journeys.

"No matter where you are on your path, I hope this podcast gives you the ability to reach further," Staten said. "Maybe it will give you a new perspective or tactic to try. Or it could help you be more empathetic if you don't happen to be an 'emotional sponge' yourself. As someone with generalized anxiety disorder, I have always wanted to blend my own healing journey and experiences with a professional venture. This podcast is a true labor of love, and if it helps just one person, then I will consider it to be a major success."

Learn more and listen to current and upcoming episodes at and Learn more about Kaylin Staten and Hourglass Media at

Kaylin R. Staten, APR

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