Report on Chinese Banks - Fall, 2018

The Equity Valuation Report for the four largest banks in China provides a summary picture of the current condition of the four largest banks and of the Chinese banking sector, in an easily digestible format.
WASHINGTON - Sept. 30, 2018 - PRLog -- Since reorganization and reform of China's large state-owned commercial banks in 2003, the scale of the country's banking industry has grown. According to the S&P Global Market Intelligence report 2018 of the 100 largest banks in the world, China now has the four largest banks in the world.
Rank      Name          Assets (1)
1         Industrial and Commercial Bank of China  4,009.26
2         China Construction Bank Corporation         3,400.25
3         Agricultural Bank of China          3,235.65
4        Bank of China          2,991.90
[1] Assets affected by differential accounting standards.

An essential summary for anyone wanting more information on banks in China, the Large Chinese Bank Report summarizes information from CIR's individual Chinese bank reports. We provide summaries covering the four largest banks in China from 2016-2025F, with forecasts from 2018 to 2025.

The Equity Valuation Report for Large Chinese Banks provides a detailed financial profile of each of the four largest Chinese banks, in an easily digestible format.

This report is an essential summary of the world's largest banks for marketing, banking and finance professionals worldwide.

Packed with data and including individual dividend discount models in Excel, this report includes investment and business summaries along with an industry overview and competitive position analysis.

CIR's proprietary Fully Adjusted Return methodology provides consistent, reliable forecasts which have been remarkably accurate. We use our knowledge to forecast future economic trends.

We review the historical profile of each bank from its founding.
Our Investment Summary provides a quick buy or sell suggestion for each bank.
We describe key native competitors in the marketplace.

State support is critical for banking in China. By reviewing non-financial social performance indicators, we describe the unique nature of State supported banking in China. By identifying key social performance indicators, we outline metrics which other banks may begin to use to detail and describe social performance.

We discuss key social performance initiatives, like China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Of course, digital banking is a key factor in future performance. We outline each bank's approach to Digital Banking.

The State mandates support for Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises in China. We describe performance in this area.

In addition to the social initiatives outlined above, we describe each bank's Public Welfare and Development efforts. These include new programs in the field of Green Finance and Employee Rights.


We provide a Dividend Discount Model to determine the objective value of each bank's stock. To establish the context for this valuation, we review Trading Multiple Analysis, Price/Book Value Summary, Profitability, Return on Average Assets, Return on Total Average Equity, Asset Quality and Nonperforming Loans. A summary of each bank's Risk profile and Capital Adequacy is included. Efficiency, as measured by the Cost to Income Ratio, is also included.

Investment Summary
Industry Overview and Competitive Position
Chart: Four Largest Banks in the World by Total Assets
Social Performance
Social Performance Indicators
Social Performance Initiatives
China's Belt and Road Initiative
Chinese Banks and Digital Banking
Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises
Public Welfare and Development
Green Finance
Employee Rights
Dividend Discount Model
Trading Multiple Analysis
Price/Book Value Summary
Return on Average Assets
Return on Total Average Equity
Asset Quality
Nonperforming Loans
Capital Adequacy
Cost to Income Ratio

For more information, please see:

William Michael Cunningham
Location:Washington - District of Columbia - United States
Page Updated Last on: Oct 16, 2018

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